













A succession plan set is a constituent of superior HR planning & administration. The reorganization of planning is who all are the staffs resolve not be through an organization for the foreseeable future and it offers a plan along with progression for deal revolutionizes that will happen at what time they abscond.

The majority succession planning faces on the largest part campus administrating manager, the security guard, though, all key arrangement should be integrated in all aspects. A main position is defined and  that are essential for the procedures of this organization furthermore, as  the skill, superiority or knowledge which have difficulty to replace as such in the  particular office staff has more familiar in campus or the management means he will appear an in charge of the Campus.

In this campus requires the human resources for working under the management. To consummate this campus or organization task good and well human resources required for the management. On depends by the Human Resources policies and procedures job positions and employees required. The preliminary position or else the head of position are Administrative manager.

Putting all students as simultaneously through enjoying their meals as well as representing the persons who are needed, so we can require human sources or job positions are,

Ø Canteen in charge

Ø Chef

Ø Suppliers

CANTEEN IN CHARGE: the “canteen in charge” position required for manage all things in canteen such water resource arrangements, foods arrangement and whatever canteen needs such as employees, food materials.

CHEF: A best chef is a basic need for canteen and it will be recruited for good meals

SUPPLIERS: Good behavioural and descent suppliers will be recruited for good welcoming