




There are different perceptions on what happiness really is. Happiness for the employee might be dependent on personal factors, work place related factors, organizational factors and more. Different researchers have come up with definitions for happiness. Hosie et.al (2007) in measuring employee’s happiness defines it as an element of job satisfaction (Hosie et al, 2007). Job satisfaction is however a very elaborate measure. There cannot be any one definition of what job satisfaction is. Some people might cite working conditions as satisfaction measures, others might quote work culture. These are variations in what satisfaction or happiness of employees might mean, even in the context of literature. Wright and Staw (1999) have stated that job satisfaction was not an accurate measurement and that dispositional affect is a better measurement (Wright and Staw, 1999). On another context Zelenski and Murphy et al. (2008) argue that happiness cannot be defined with scientific precision. It is a collaboration of many factors. It is easy to agree with the researchers in the context of the presence of multiple motivational theories to make the ‘happy worker’. In contemporary times, the definition of happiness has been stretched. Workplace definition of happiness is a complex mix of factors. Some of these factors are workplace recognition, workplace culture, ability to have autonomous working and inclusive culture. These are psychological factors affecting the employee (Cropanzano, & Wright, 2001). Other factors such as pay benefits, long term benefits, retirement packages, medical insurance planning assistance and more also come under these divisions. In modern times, there is also more emphasis on involving the Human Resources Management in handling issues related to making the worker happy. HRM is fully employed in issues for the human resources and it is seen to be making strategic choices to improve worker satisfaction. In fact, the main stream diversification of the HR into multiple strategic divisions is a testimony to the fact that employee happiness is critical to workplace productivity.