


泰国政府确实有其在英国合法君主都和管理76年政治省、曼谷和这些76年省担任政治、业务相关、工业、教育、和娱乐之都。他们都有支持旅游作为旅游的发展给这个国家带来了很多(Virojanarom,v . 2008)。




Thailand government do have its ground on a legitimate monarchy alike UK and manages 76 political provinces, with Bangkok and all these 76 province are serving as political, business-related, industrial, educational, and entertainment capital of the country. They all have supported the development of tourism as tourism has brought a lot to this nation (Virojanarom, V. 2008).
94.6% people of Thailand are the followers of Buddhism and, only 4.6% are Muslim and approximately 0.7% is Christian. Thailand is a country of picturesque diversity and ancient traditions; it involves different cultural behaviours which can be concluded as the blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity and many other small religion and cultural implications.
Although Thai language is widely used in this nation but as its people are from different nation and culture they are well trained with others Asian languages. Hindi and English are also being used as a medium of communication in Thailand.