


據說,有些孩子能輕鬆地學會兩種或三種語言,而不會傷害到他們內在的認知能力,事實上,他們已經克服了語言的弱點,並在生活中為自己所用。 Lasagabaster(1998)發現精通三種語言的兒童對社會障礙的反應更強,但在他的三語假說研究中,他們並沒有被認為比雙語兒童好。這說明也有例外情況,即孩子們隨意地、恰當地學習兩到三種語言並不會影響他們的整體執行和掌握進度,反而會支持他們在生活中的發展。


The difficulties presented, such as the dysfunction of understanding the duality of languages and the emotions working behind the language, finding it difficult to internalise the necessity of two language and the use of specific language when needed is right on track. The child does make confusions in using words, understanding the association of words with a particular language and this may disturb the otherwise fine and smooth learning that would have appeared had the child learnt only one single language, thereby putting less burden on the cognitive abilities and keeping things sorted for the child to pick up. This is a valid contention supported by Thompson (2000) who have noted that though the bilingual teaching benefits the child and its cognitive abilities and learning, it may damage the attention span, the intensity of attention, and the ability to communicate with clarity and using appropriate and correct word during verbal communication.

It said that there are children who have picked up two and three languages with ease without hurting their internal cognitive energies and have in fact overpowered their weakness of language and used it to their own advantage in life. Lasagabaster (1998) have found that children with proficiency in three languages have been more responsive to social disorders, but they are not assumed to fare well over bilingual children in his research of trilingual hypothesis. This infers that there are exceptions wherein, children when taught at will and appropriately indicates that learning two or three languages at a time does not impact their overall execution and grasping progress, but in fact supports their development in life.