


The key focus of this report is to present a portfolio of self. For the presentation of this portfolio, I have focused on reflecting my individual learning and intrapersonal effectiveness. In order to do so, this report has provided a description of personal characteristics and how they depict my professional strengths and weakness. Further ahead, this report has specified actions in context with key development areas that I might not have established naturally. Considering the aspects of intrapersonal effectiveness, I will highlight my emotional intelligence that is done by using the theoretical framework of Emotional Intelligence Scale by Schutte.

I do not think it is quite appealing. In saying this, I mean that the best way for improving on these fault while I uphold by positive qualities is to utilize the collected information for obtaining maximum advantage (Jackson, 2011).
When interpreting the key results, I think that I am considerably enthusiastic when considering the initiation of new activities of learning and I also have fair interest to set goals and develop self- confidence for the achievement of major goals. However, I am not so good when considering the development of basic issue and I also have some keenness for reflecting and deeply considering problems and issues.

The major requirement for measuring and monitoring progress is reflection. Reflection results in conclusions related to the level of improvement or success, while allowing explaining the absence of improvement. It also helps in providing a strong base for the establishment of a sense of achievement and future goals. As a student I need to focus on building an insightful and informed understanding about my own learning and behaviour.

In this assignment I have presented a specific area for my professional development. With key focus on emotional intelligence I identified that I need to ensure development of basic issue and I also have some keenness for reflecting and deeply considering problems and issues. In accordance with this analysis and reflection, I will always stay focused on enhancing my learning and organizational skills that I am able to excel in my career.

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