


在过去的一二十年里,技术已经彻底而频繁地改变了业务。随着技术的快速发展,技术进步已经导致许多企业改革经营模式,努力跟上日益增长的趋势。官僚制最初是为了取代日益增长的腐败,反复无常和施政裙带关系,并对人们如何被雇用,晋升或解雇制定严格的规定。官僚主义因此在技术上优于其他组织;经济增长稳定,经过一段时间后,官僚主义接管了经济管理的角色,以确保繁荣。根据马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber,1958)的观点,“理想型官僚组织具有速度,模糊性,档案知识,精确性和连续性等特征”。可以说,一个理想的官僚机构也有层次和规则的运作模式。



Over the past decade or two, technology has transformed business as thoroughly and frequently as nothing else. As technology continues to develop at a fast rate, the technological advancements has led to many businesses revamping their operating models to try to keep up with the growing trends. Bureaucracy was first built to replace the growing corruption, capriciousness and nepotism of governance and to establish strict rules on how people are hired, promoted or fired. Bureaucracy thus held technical superiority over other organizations; its growth was steady and over a period of time, bureaucracy took over the role of managing economies to ensure prosperity. According to Max Weber (1958), “the ideal type bureaucratic organization exhibits characteristics such as speed, unambiguity, knowledge of the files, precision and continuity”. It can be argued that an ideal bureaucracy also has hierarchy and rule-based operations model.

Hierarchy in a bureaucratic organization is maintained with graded authority; a system comprising of the super and the subordinate where the subordinates (lower offices) are supervised and governed by the super (higher offices) (Henry, 1975). And bureaucracy generally follows stable, learned and comprehensive rules with every official who is a part of the bureaucracy having thorough knowledge of these rules. The negative by product of these rules, referred to as the red tape is the set of rules, procedures and regulations that remain in force but do not serve any legitimate purpose. Management of these bureaucracies by technically competent individuals was believed to bring about greater efficiency. But the advancement in technology is influencing every part of human life and thus naturally the business environments too.