


What saves Zara in case of a sudden dislodging of its quality management principle of flawless processing, is the practice of process monitoring. Monitoring the entire process of identifying expectations right through to meet those expectations enables the company to identify its weakness, its time and investment leakage, and fix regularly occurring disruptions. To decipher the hiccups of consumer shopping and expectation spotting, Zara introduced a program of “active participative belonging”. As per this approach, the employees are required to be actively participative with customers, enabling a higher brand expectation. Once a customer interaction identifies the deficiencies or surplus in design choices and customer satisfaction, it is easy to rectify subsequent processes. Active participative belongingness increases brand awareness, and more importantly, customers are able to identify the core intent and service oriented programs of the company. More often than not, when organisations communicate, without hesitation, all service oriented programs and strategies and their collective conscience to single-handedly serve customers by lawful means, customers tend to stick with the brand for long (Temporal, 2011). Zara has been vocal about its inherent commitment to keep new trends in check and keep providing them before they expect.

The organisation makes tremendous effort in improving its sourcing costs, being competent in selecting supply chain partners. These ancillary activities are directly proportional to how the brand manages product delivery, replaces products before they are emptied. For example, Zara seldom repeats its products, but sticks to a dictum of moving quickly to a new trend and pattern, which makes the customers wait less for discounted sale. The brand has taught consumers to not expect discounted sales but, on the contrary, wait for new arrivals in its stores. Such precision of replacing products with newer designs on a continuous basis, often faster than the customer expects, culminates into loyal customer following.

The brand recognised and identified that customers are always looking for something new, no matter the economic condition, which forms the basis of its process improvement. Conditioning consumers to always expect new trends and pattern from the brand has also made it vulnerable to an exposure to distrustful situations. Quickness of stock replacement with new designs, despite winning customer expectations, could be considered its best strength only as long as it continues its process improvement. Once its internal quality management weakens for uncontrollable reasons, consumer disloyalty could be quick, compared with other brands, who tend to continue with same stock replacement until the inventory is finished. The superiorly formulated process improvement principle could, thus also become its eroding principle.

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