

作為一家制糖企業,Lantic Inc.在加拿大已經成長並成為一個重要的參與者,其產品每天都被人們消費,也深受人們喜愛。在出口導向型業務方面,它也已成為一家不錯的公司。公司的利潤在大幅增長,同時也創造了大量的就業機會,這反過來提高了國家的人均收入,也改善了人們的生活方式。就消費增長而言,糖是一種很好的產品,因為它與人口增長有著直接的關系,這給公司留下了很大的發展空間。糖業的未來在許多方面是積極的。在加拿大政府合作政策的幫助下,該行業正在發展。公司為進一步發展采取了多項舉措,並采用了新的技術與國際市場競爭,從而為公司增加了價值。它處理所有直接或間接影響業務的內部和外部方面。這將保持蘭帝克公司在偉大的領導地位。 接下来有关代寫-加拿大制糖業的發展分析如下 :

Though there is a decreasing trend in the sugar consumption among the people of Canada, still there is huge consumption of sugar due to its characteristic of a daily household product. Sugar is consumed by people in many forms, Glucose powder, Brown sugar, Coffee sugar crystals, White granulated sugar, caster sugar, chocolates, juices, ice-creams, bakery, etc.
As per the trends, there has been an increase in the sugar exports globally by Canada in recent times mainly from the year 2008, when the export reached as high as more than 75,000 metric tons. Exports have been majorly to USA, generally in the form of sugar-containing products.

The Canadian sugar industry is self-dependent in terms of government subsidies. It basis it’s prices on a very low margin as compared to the sugar prices worldwide. It has been a major help to the sugar-using food product manufacturers to compete globally. Sugar is easily available & at a low price to the consumers locally. Though there were no interruptions by the government earlier, but in recent times government had allowed sugar to enter Canada duty free from Europe, which created a hindrance for the Lactic Inc. Later on, duties were imposed on such dumping activities creating a relief among local sugar market.

There cannot be defined a reason to buy refined sugar or other forms of sugar, except the necessity and eating habits. Even though sugar is cheap in Canada, but if it would have been pricey still people would consume the product out of necessity. In the recent times, the consumption has reduced a little mainly due to obesity which could cause major health issues for people. One major health issue with excess consumption of sugar is Diabetes. With the growing awareness among people regarding better lifestyle with good eating habits, people are moving toward a more “fat-free” world. As per the annual report the company, the per capita consumption of sweetener in Canada has increased very slightly, at approx. 0.2% in fiscal 2014.

The geography of its manufacture has played an important role in the consumption & pricing of refined sugar, as the manufacturing of sugar is mostly done in Canada locally. Therefore, the pricing is less as per the global standards & therefore consumption is higher. The company is looked as a value chain holder by the sugar-using product manufacturers.

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