


By doing the same, author could find if the competition is because of the other entrepreneurs or because of the disloyal tactics of the government. She has used the concept of cross comparison of results in order to show the difference in the results. The author has been successful in proving that there are negative opinions about the government in the surveys. These views are not reflected in the government surveys (Wood, 2007). The role played by the capitalists is largely complementary rather than a leading role with respect to the transitions to democracy in the twentieth century.
The author has stated that in contrary to the expectation which is listed in the modernization theory and other theories that are related to the change in regime, the People’s Republic of China has been successful in remaining authoritarian. Due to the coexistence of the institutional change and the durability of the regime, there is an informal case on the occurrence of the major institutional changes. The research used the data from the particular localities. This includes the study by Doug Guthrie in which she investigated the joint ventures in Shanghai and David Wank’s study of private entrepreneurship in case of Xiamen fields. The in depth analysis in these studies lead to the valuable observations about the kind of variations which are observed by the private sector development. It has been found from the data analysis that most of the studies largely focus on either the small scale industries or on the red capitalism.

The author has also suggested that the business owners largely rely on the informal means for perusing their economic interests. Most of the business owners do not act as a part of the unified class. Another major finding of the study is that the entrepreneurs need not share some of the political concerns. The author has also stated that there are a number of reasons why the upper tier of capitalists is not active in doing the formation of the autonomous organizations that can act as a base for the political party. Even though most of the private entrepreneurs do not have engagement with the collective actions for the purpose of defending their own interests, there is a great improvement in the operating conditions which are required for the private businesses.

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