

代写价格-牛奶对孩子们的健康有影响吗?该声明考虑到饮用牛奶的要求是否得到满足,提供了对饮用牛奶对儿童的负面影响的声明和判断。牛奶的负面影响已经引起了公众的关注,在这篇文章中可以很容易地进行修辞夸张。这只是解释了围绕科学现实的学者们所表现出的关注焦点,因为它是建立在向儿童提出的问题的基础上的。达到公众吸引力的目的决定了媒体所展示的牛奶的负面影响(Park and Haenlein 274-310)。这种影响被确定为负面的,因为它代表了公众对产品所产生的认同感,也简单解释了支持协议的不恰当观点,并说明了健康问题对儿童心理的影响。

The milk nutrition instilment for the long term is necessary for bone health and stature of children. It contains all the basic nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats which are required by a growing child. Milk should be consumed because it provides key nutrients such as phosphorus, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin D and A. Calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D assists to maintain strong teeth and bones. It is a source of quality protein which is essential for the growth and repair of the tissues. Lactose eliminates harmful bacteria from intestine that ensures proper function (Whitney and Rolfes 324-365). It has been argued that children should drink milk for their own development. In addition, Calcium helps to maintain blood pressures, healing of the wounds and blood clotting. The nutrition in milk is necessary for the development of a child. It enables the body to fight with many diseases and ensure appropriate functions of the body.
It has been argued that high level of milk consumption induces overweigh of children. Milk is considered as the significant source of cholesterol, saturated fat, and fat in the diets of the children. Lactose in milk is a type of sugar which is not digested by most of the children. It is also researched that high consumption of milk can lead to many health problems (Endres, Rockwell and Mense 152-178). It can impair the ability of a child to absorb iron. However, it can be stated that the small consumption of milk would be beneficial for children.
According to the view of the press, the children between the ages of two to five should be drinking half litre milk per day. The less drinking of milk will create the deficiency of vitamin D. This clearly leads to the lessening of the iron in the blood and the development of the brain does not undertake normally. The review of the press reveals that this query is being faced by every paediatrician and the development of the researches continued by the researcher represents the upbringing of new innovative ideas in the form of providing vitamin D to the body to the children. This review states that an inappropriate implementation of the process of having milk for the children will lead them to face the disease like rickets and the difficulties in their development can be seen. This simply explains the negative impacts as it is presented by reviewing the view of the press. Since the development of the industry of the milk had taken place, the Canada still consists of the Iron deficient peoples who are found to be more in numbers. It is clearly believed that the involvements of the pre-schoolers are more in numbers than the post- schoolers (Huh et al. 563-570). Therefore, the healthy tips that are being provided to the media are illustrating the forms of the presentation which are being made by illustrating the works. Thus, the determination of the negative effects of drinking milk on the children is discussed which is presented in the form of the media. The malfunction of the metabolism is seen in this case that focuses on the negative effects which are presented in the form of representing the importance of the vitamin D.

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