

代写价格-麦当劳战略营销过程。麦当劳在玻利维亚市场的失败凸显了进入玻利维亚市场的新战略的需要。最近一部纪录片的结论是,麦克唐纳被拒绝不是因为他们不喜欢这种口味,而是因为他们对玻利维亚人的想法。由于靠近安第斯山脉和亚马逊山脉,他们的家门口几乎可以买到新鲜水果。大多数的人口是在贫困地区,使得麦当劳的产品超出了他们到达(Backhaus,布鲁里溃疡̈schken Voeth, 2006)。当企业计划进入海外市场时,它将自己暴露在巨大的风险、有一定控制力的人的选择和经济条件等方面。战略营销决策的制定与实施是战略营销过程中最困难的任务。

The background of the research of failure of the McDonald is indicated as the research gaps and the lack of understanding of the socio-cultural market. Though the company consists of research gaps regarding the market, the company decided to make investment in the market of Bolivia for the purpose of expansion. These are illustrated to be challenges that are faced by the McDonald and it made to face the drastic impact. As per the lack of understanding of socio-cultural market, McDonald is facing a drastic situation which led the company to face Bankruptcy and this is made by taking the wrong decision of making investment in the market of Bolivia.
The challenges that are faced by the company McDonald are the inappropriate market research consisting of research gaps, lack of socio-cultural market and undertaking wrong investment decisions. McDonald is facing a harsh situation that led the company to face bankruptcy and this is made by taking the wrong decision of making investment in the market of Bolivia (Winer and Dhar, 2014).
Deciding to enter markets
Global markets –Recent globalization has urged many companies to expand their presence beyond the national and political barrier. The McDonalds expansion of stores in the Bolivian market can be taken as an example of the global development of a firm (Burrow and Bosiljevac, 2012). Only working globally without knowing the diversity in culture and choices of the people leads to reduced growth and profit. A company should have prior knowledge about the economic and social conditions of the potential customers before establishing the company. The failure of McDonalds in Bolivian market has direct implications on the needs of knowledge of the economic situation. The expansion of the firm is directly proportional to the cost price of its products (Dalgic, 2011).
While exposing itself to the global expansion, a company should understand and identify the type of market, where it should invest. McDonalds should target consumer markets to specify a particular segment of the population, where it can establish and grow. In the present time, significant focus has concentrated on the consumer markets as consumer possesses a lot of choices (Dalgic, 2011). Along with the branding, costing should be considered while entering the consumer markets. A tangible product helps in increasing the value of proper planning in the absence of which company may fail. A consumer market possesses severe competitions as too many players compete for limited customers. Macdonald’s brand image was underweighted by the economic conditions of the people of the Bolivia. It resulted in the loss of the business and evacuation from the country (Du Plessis, Strydom and Jooste, 2012). The proper targeting of the customers, who can buy the product within their capacity is highly needed. It can be concluded that market approach without considering consumer markets leads to loss and then closure of the operations.
Market entry strategies
Understanding potential customers – The most important task is acquiring the knowledge of the potential customers, like their social, physiological and social needs. In the case of Bolivia, Macdonald opens its branches without having the knowledge of the economic conditions of the Bolivian people. Bolivian, being a developing country, is largely dependent on the home produced agricultural products (Gillespie and Hennessey, 2016). In contrast to the American people who are comparatively richer than the Bolivian people with high purchasing power, can invest sufficient amount of their income on fast food chain. McDonald, being an American company, applied the marketing strategy containing American mindset. A company should research about the demographic and the lifestyle conditions like their gender, age, preferences, interests and spending capacity etc.

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