


The aim of this research was to critically identify and analyze how international student volunteering could be increased by the East African Playgrounds EAP. The essay attempted to identify how students could be motivated by understanding why they volunteer in the first place. Their previous volunteering experience is also analyzed. Based on their use of social media tools, recommendations are made for how EAP can enhance their recruiting experience. The hypothesis assumed in this research is that, the social media can be an effective tool for motivating students to volunteer for the EAP. From the research studies and the data collected from students it has been identified that social media tools do hold good potential when it comes to increasing student volunteers.

(1) It is recommended that EAP creates student outreach programs in order to recruit student volunteers. EAP can also standardize the form of experience certificate that they would give to student volunteers and make the volunteer experience a more solidly crafted program, similar to an internship or a degree for the student. This form of formalization will appeal to both student volunteers and the organizations where they want to study or work with later on.
(2) EAP should not only formalize its structured and working, but should also communicate it accordingly. There would be no use in information and improvement if the status is not communicated to the interested parties. In this research it was noted that students might sometimes fear working in a foreign nation and hence would need information and reassurance on working in the country. It is hence recommended that EAP provides complete transparency in the form of volunteer programmes it conducts and should also have open forums where its current volunteers are able to discuss what happens at EAP.
(3) The third recommendation made by way of this research is based on the theories and models of motivation. Based on the psychological need theory it can be said that motivation can be achieved by making EAP appeal to the psychological needs of its target volunteers. EAP should attempt to understand what the need of international students are, and then based on this needs based understanding should tailor make volunteer programmes that would appeal to students. Also as the unidimensional theory suggests it is not necessary that a student have only one dimension for motivation. They might have multiple needs that are being satisfied. Some might want to volunteer because of their personal belief, another might want to volunteer because of their religion, and others might want to volunteer because of both (the condition of overlapping categories). It is hence recommended that the EAP volunteer program be carefully structured to meet these essentials.

(4) Social media tools are indeed useful in the case of enhancing the recruitment experience. It has been observed from the research data that students indeed use social media extensively. Hence, making use of social media for recruitment is recommended for the EAP.

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