





As the given research is aimed at analysing the buying industry in Chinese market especially in respect to designer stores across the country, the researcher is required to make appropriate collection of data from different sources so that the sole purpose in doing this research is positively accomplished. There are different important methods of data collection available to researchers such as primary data collection whereby the researcher interacts with the respondents directly and collects data. The secondary method of data collection involves the collection of data from already available sources such as books, academic journals, articles etc. The researcher in this research is also planning to collect data from both these data collection methods. The primary data is expected to utilise in the form of applying interview technique and survey technique. The interviews would be carried out with the managers or employees at fashion retailers in UK to analyse the buying behaviour of consumers, whereas surveys would be carried out with the consumers to analyse their expectations and trends from designers in China. The survey would be performed in the form of a questionnaire which would comprise of closed ended questions on evaluating the consumer’s behaviour with regard to fashion retailers in the country. Apart from the collection of primary data, the researcher also aims at collecting secondary data in the form of reviewing academic journals to analyse the findings of the past researchers with respect to consumer’s buying behaviour in Chinese designer industry (Creswell, 2009).

In performing the collection of data, the researcher is required to make sampling strategies so that data can be collected from the targeted sample. As for instance, the sampling strategy that would be considered in performing the selection of fashion retailers in China is convenience sampling strategy whereby the researcher would select the specific fashion retailers which are well convenient to the researcher.