


比如在電梯裡與律師的談判,這是突然的,似乎進展得很快,很快就結束了,給觀眾留下了一個相反的問題。演員們都是完美的演員,他們似乎對他們應該做的事情做得很公正。它始終是演員們可以洗牌、由別人來扮演的選擇,但到目前為止,演員們忠於自己的角色,他們做得很好(Goodridge 2012)。電影中最精彩的部分是配樂,在觀眾需要的時候,它可以激發和抑制觀眾的情緒。像鼓和大嗓門的回音這樣的音樂給人一種即將發生某事的感覺,實際上也讓觀眾的注意力更加清晰。


The lighting is bright and upfront in all scenes, mostly shot in the office where the journalists conduct their discussions and negotiations. This enables everyone to clearly see the bright and normal faces of the characters. This adds to the reality quotient for the movie characters. The backlight is also bright except in the night scenes, where the lighting is less bright and is largely and only used to display the face and expressions of the character. The shots are also employed with careful consideration, and there seems to be more of close-ups and medium close-up and medium shot used in the movie. The editing is general and makes the movie engaging for the viewer (Rabiger 2003), where they are always kept in suspense and wanting for more. This is a success of the editing, but some shots are sudden where it could have shown more conversation.

such as the negotiation with the lawyer in the elevator which was sudden and seemed to move fast and also conclude fast leaving an opposing question in viewers. The actors are perfectly cast, and they seem to have done justice to what they were supposed to do. It always remains an option where the actors could have shuffled and been played by someone else, but so far the actors are faithful to their role, they have done a good job (Goodridge 2012). The best part of the movie is the soundtrack which is rightly placed to arouse and suppress emotions of the viewers at a point where they required. Music such as drums and large voice echoed gave a feeling that something is about to happen and in fact invited more clarity of attention from the viewers.