


城市土地规划中的腐败问题呈上升趋势,Chiodelli & Moroni(2015)的研究试图将腐败问题作为规划的一个挑战。在土地利用中,土地规划系统是最重要的问题之一。如果土地规划系统因腐败而受到挑战,那么它可能导致多种生计问题。在理论上提出的和在一些现有土地管理系统中使用的反腐败措施被视为其发展和管理基础设施的一部分。然而,正如本研究所指出的,土地规划作为规划系统本身的一部分,需要严格地实行。在土地规划方面有许多机会可能助长腐败,例如分配发展权利、使用土地规则等等。在这方面,非常有必要考虑将反腐败措施作为规划系统本身的一部分。作者的研究工作分为几个关键部分。初步探讨了预防土地规划腐败的原则和技术。通常使用的一些技术是透明谈判,例如在谈判中保持公开。这也使得腐败水平非常低。



Corruption in urban land planning is on the rise and this research work by Chiodelli & Moroni (2015) attempts to present the issue of corruption as a challenge to planning. In land use, one of the prime things to be dealt with is land planning systems. Where land planning systems are challenged by means of corruption, then it could lead to multiple issues of sustenance. Anti-corruption measures as presented in theory and as used in some of the existing land management systems are seen to be part of its development and management infrastructure. However, land planning needs to be critically instituted as part of the planning system itself as this research points out. There are many opportunities in land planning which could encourage corruption such as that of allocation of developmental rights, the use of land rules and more. In this context, it is extremely necessary to consider for anti-corruption measures to be part of the planning system itself. The research work of authors is divided into some key sections. The principles and techniques that would go into corruption prevention for land planning is discussed primarily. Some of the techniques that are commonly used are that of transparent negotiations, as in the case of having openness in negotiations. This also enables corruption levels to be really low.

Then, there are auction of development rights where the auction is conducted in a very fair fashion, so as to ensure nobody can take advantage of the urban planning system. Then there is the framework for the recovery of land rent which would ensure that the issues in the case of land rent, corruption related to issues of profit and more are averted. Elimination of corruption is the outcome expected at all extents here.The authors present a clear argument on why it is necessary to clear corruption completely and in this some of the reasons that the authors have argued for are that of having planned theorists to resolve the issues directly and thoroughly. Planned theorists are more often seen to be involved in land use planning perse and in theory. However, the issue is seen to be more than that of the involvement in theory, as reflected in many cases in current times. For instance, as seen in the issues of land management from even developed nations such as Australia and Canada, it has been established that there are more issues because of corruption being an endemic entity in land planning. If this is not first addressed, then there would be no way to address the issues in land management holistically. As authors argue, this should be more than a starting point both in theory and in practice, it is very critical that the issue be considered as more than just a norm and implementation action needs to be taken.