


随着一个地方的文化发展,排尿的位置也发生了变化。关于厕所的概念已经有了相当大的变化,这影响了随时间、文明和文化背景的排尿。从历史的时代到现在的时代,人类必须遵循一定的社会群体。在早期,卫生间的概念显然是一个不必要的概念。人们游荡,没有永久的住所。当人们开始生活在他们所考虑的特定的空间时,他们就需要排泄粪便(Gregory和James, 2006)。那时,人们发明了原始的厕所设施。它逐渐地从室外移动到室内。


在公元前3000年在苏美尔王国的美索不达米亚,第一个厕所被创造出来(Scholl, 2010)。印度河流域的哈拉帕人在私人住宅中有室内厕所。埃及人拥有第一个坐便器。直到这段时间,男人们和女人们自然蹲下来重新生活。这在16世纪罗马帝国时期发生了变化。在罗马,为这些人建造的第一个公共便池诞生了。这被称为“pissoir”,这是公开的,而且隐私程度极低(Soifer, 2000)。平民百姓开始使用夜壶,这在早晨是很常见的。直到16世纪,个人和公共厕所系统才有了发展。


Urination position has changed based on the cultural developments of a place. There has been considerable evolution regarding the concepts of toilets and this has impacted the urination over time, civilization and cultural context. From historical times to the current times, there is a degree to which the humans had to conform to the social groups. In the earlier times, the concept of bathrooms was clearly an unnecessary concept. The people wandered without any permanent places of dwelling. They excreted and relieved themselves in the field, rivers etc. When people started to live in a particular space they considered, the disposal of waste excrement was required (Gregory and James, 2006). This was when primitive toilet facilities were created. It had moved from outdoors to indoor gradually.

In 3000 B.C.E in Mesopotamia in the Kingdom of Sumeria the first toilets were created (Scholl, 2010). Harapans of the Indus Valley had indoor toilets in private dwellings. Egyptians had the first sit toilets. Up until this time, the men and the women naturally squatted to relive themselves. This changed during the times of Roman empire around 16th century. In Rome, the first public urinal for the men was created. This was known as the “pissoir”, This was in the open and had minimal degree of privacy (Soifer, 2000). The plebeians of the society started using the chamber pot. This was routinely cleared in the mornings. It was only during the sixteenth century, there was the development of personal and public toilet systems.