







Strategic activity: To achieve all the goals, objectives or results the set of tasks and activities which will be performed are called strategic activities. It can be added as a fifth row under the results but some organizations do not use this row in their Logical framework.

Indicator: The measurable entity used for any specific information is called Indicator.  Reduction in the threat which is the objective of the project, increase in the sale of the project etc. are some of the examples of indicators. The good indicator should always be measurable, precise, consistent and sensitive.

Source of verification: The data source we use for the indicator is called source of verification. It includes the methods we are using to collect the data. We also mention the geographies and locations we are using to collect the data. Frequency and responsibility for gathering data also comes under source of information (Cummings, 1997).

Assumption: We also need to mention all the external factors which will impact the functioning of our project. The factors which are required to achieve the objectives and results also come under assumptions and they are very important to be mentioned. These are some external factors over which we don’t have any control should also be mentions under assumptions.