


二条堡始建于1601年至1603年之间,由Katsushige Itakura管理,是德川家康军事和政治力量的缩影。随着德川在濑户原的胜利,这座看似巨大的纪念碑被建造在京都的中间,它不仅代表着幕府府的中心位置,也是一种回忆,提醒着他曾经是帝国权力中心的不屈力量。虽然日本历史上没有一座城堡拥有完整的防御工事,但二条城被认为是特别没有防御工事的。二条城与皇城的相似之处,而非防御结构(《清书》128章),或许是在传递一种傲慢的感觉,暗示他可能不害怕任何攻击。卡诺家族装饰华丽,主要结构由33个房间组成,位于一个占地70英亩的院落的东部边缘。在1603年完成二条城后,德川家康与军队和俄亥俄州法庭成员举行了一次会议那是城堡里最正式的一个房间。
俄亥俄州以拥有早期shoin风格的建筑元素而闻名。这是复杂的设计,以反映社会阶层的人在出席。城堡的其他元素包括二条城(Coaldrake 250)的尼诺玛鲁城堡的卡拉蒙门。虽然二条城反映了几个经济、政治和社会趋势,但独特的是,其结构一直与京都有关。二条城的建设最终变得智能化,只要有潜在的效率,就会进一步转向建筑。如果它是最先进和最简单的结构类别,那么二条城的建造已经成功地保持了恰当完美的质量,同时表达了与文化相关的机械知识(Roberts et al. 37)。当它强调简单性和表达支持创造直接理解的系统时,它也会变得智能。


Built originally between the years of 1601 and 1603 being supervised by Itakura Katsushige, Nijo Castle was found epitomizing the military and political power of Tokugawa leyasu. Followed by the victory of Tokugawa at Sekigahara, this seemingly gargantuan monument was constructed amidst of Kyoto, not only being represented as the central location for shogunal palace, but also as a memory reminding his indomitable strength which once had been the hub of imperial authority. While there is no castle in the history of Japan that may boast to be of structures with complete fortification, Nijo had been identified as specifically unfortified. Perhaps spreading the feeling of arrogance with the implication that he may not fear any attack, the Nijo Castle had closer resemblance to the princely estate instead of a defensive structure (Ching 128). Decorated ornately by the family of Kano, the principal structure had been made from 33 rooms, with its location at the eastern edge of a compound of 70 acres. On completing the Nijo Castle in the year 1603, a meeting was held by Tokugawa leyasu with members of the military and the court in Ohiroma that is a room at the castle with most formal setting.
Ohiroma is known for possessing elements of architecture in early shoin- style. This has been designed intricately for reflecting the social hierarchy of the ones within attendance. Other elements from the castle are inclusive of the Karamon Gate of Ninomaru Castle in Nijo Castle (Coaldrake 250). While there is a reflection of several economic, political and social trends by Nijo Castle, uniquely, the structure had been about Kyoto. The construction of Nijo Castle ended up becoming intelligent, further turning as architectural whenever there is an underlying efficiency. If it is the most advanced and simplest category of structure, the construction of Nijo Castle has been successful in maintaining the quality of appropriateness perfection, while expressing mechanical knowledge related to a culture (Roberts et al. 37). It also ends up becoming intelligent when it is made for laying emphasis on simplicity and for expressing the system of support for the creation of immediate understanding.