


企业社会责任对不同的人有不同的含义。对一些人来说,企业社会责任意味着法律责任,因此不符合企业社会责任的责任问题将被追究。有些人可能从道德的角度而不是法律的角度来看待企业社会责任。在这里,企业社会责任政策所保证的道德行为被赋予了更多的价值。还有企业社会责任与慈善捐款的比较。Garriga & Mele(2004)提出了企业社会责任的四种方法,即假设适应环境(如企业社会责任确保对环境的利益)、目标实现、社会效益以及企业社会责任与文化和价值观的关系(Garriga & Mele, 2004)。Schwartz & Caroll(2003)提出了CSR的三个领域方法。这三个领域是“纯伦理、纯法律和纯经济”领域。这三个以Venn形式呈现的图将有重叠,从而导致其他领域。

这些是企业社会责任的伦理-经济、伦理-经济-法律、伦理-法律和法律-经济范畴定义。根据该模型,可以得到七种不同类型的CSR类别和定义(Schwartz & Caroll, 2003)。Smith(2003)将企业社会责任描述为一个不断发展的案例。企业实施社会责任的压力越来越大,因为人们越来越意识到,作为企业的利益相关者,这些举措将如何有益于他们。正如Scherer和Palazzo(2007)最近在介绍实证主义和后实证主义企业社会责任时所讨论的那样,人们甚至会期望企业履行与其业务不直接相关的社会责任实践(Scherer & Pallazzo, 2007)。弗里德曼(1970)认为,作为商人,只有当企业对社会、环境和利益相关者产生影响时,个人才有责任。这一定义在当今时代得到了扩展。


Corporate social responsibility has different meanings to different people. For some, CSR means legal responsibility, so issues of liability for non- conformance to CSR would be held. Some might view CSR in a more ethical sense than a legal one. Here the ethical behavior warranted by CSR policies in the organization is given more merit. There is also the comparison of CSR to charitable contributions. Garriga & Mele (2004) present CSR under four approaches, which are that of assuming adaptation to environment (as in CSR assuring benefits to the environment), goal attainment, societal benefits and the relation of CSR to culture and values (Garriga & Mele, 2004). Schwartz & Caroll (2003) present a three domain approach to CSR. The three domains are ‘the purely ethical, purely legal and purely economic’ domain. These three diagrams presented as a Venn will have overlaps, resulting in other domains.

These are the ethical-economic, ethical-economic-legal, ethical-legal, and legal-economic categorical definitions of CSR. According to this model, hence seven different types of CSR categories and definitions can be yielded (Schwartz & Caroll, 2003). Smith (2003) presents corporate social responsibility as an evolving case. There is increased pressure on corporations to implement in CSR because of the increased awareness of people on how such initiatives would be beneficial to them as the stakeholders of the company. As Scherer and Palazzo (2007) discusses when presenting the positivist and post-positivist CSR in recent times, people will even expect companies to commit to CSR practices that are not directly related to their business (Scherer & Pallazzo, 2007). Friedman (1970) had argued that individuals are responsible as businessmen only to the extent their business has an impact on society, the environment and stakeholders. This definition is expanded in current times.