


Procedure for selecting hotel manager: Selection criteria for expatriate hotel manager includes Open-minded and flexible strategic thinking, ability to handle complicated matters, sprightly, resourceful, optimistic, cultural curiosity and sensibility, aggressive and dynamic, genuineness and integrity, stability in personal life, advanced technology or commercial skills. The hotel manager is an internal recruit. In internal recruitment, the job vacancies are advertised within the company. Internal recruitment uses a variety of techniques. Top candidates or best performers can be selected for managerial position. Employees can be promoted to higher level jobs. A junior level employee can be referred by senior level employee for managerial position.
Selection can be traditional. Traditional selection involves use of application form, interview and referrals. Advanced method includes self-assessment, peer assessment, work samples, psychological test, etc. In selection, the first step is screening candidates. In this process, suitable candidates are selected while the unsuitable ones are rejected. After screening, organization might conduct a telephonic interview. Organizations conduct panel interviews where the candidate is interviewed by two or more panellists. Candidate might also be asked to produce work samples. Skills and knowledge can be tested by work sample analysis. Psychological test are used to assess intelligence, personality traits, levels of adjustment and emotional intelligence.
In selection, there is no one best method. Organisations should use a combination of selection methods.

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