



One of the most common pension schemes which had emerged in the twentieth century is the traditional pension scheme. It has proven to be a very useful and effective pension scheme for the employers and the employees. But, it has been observed that in the recent times in the labour force of USA, UK and other nations, there has been a decline in the traditional pension schemes. In this kind of scheme, the precious measurement of retirement security is paid to the people by paying annuity for life. They can help in attracting and retaining the people who may be committed to the employer for a long term. This is because the people will be getting the good amount of money in the form of the traditional pension at the time of retirement. To ensure that the same happens successfully, one doesn’t changes his or her job too often. Therefore, in traditional pension plans, the present value related to the benefits may actually grow at a slower rate in the early career of the employer and it accelerates slowly and steadily.
Factors responsible for the declination of traditional pension plan:A large number of reasons have been identified for the declination of the traditional pension plan in the recent times. This includes the supply side factors and the demand side factors. Change in Demand: Whenever there is a change in the characteristic of the workers, there may be a change in their demands. Increasing aggregate Longevity risk: As a result of the better life and health facilities, there has been an increase in the life expectancy of a person. According to the estimate by OECD, the life expectancy of women in Japan has increased by 8.1 years. Because of the same, the companies are shifting away from the traditional pensions. Underperforming/ Volatile market: The market is completely volatile. There is always a risk associated in this kind of market. Historic interest rate lows: The lower interest rates have had a severe impact on the pension plans. The decline in the rates has further led to the entailment of the concurrent and large increase in the present value which is related to the liabilities.


第一次征服是由西班牙和葡萄牙人征服的。西班牙軍隊佔領了南美西部和墨西哥的領土。與此同時,葡萄牙人也佔領了南美東部地區,並將其命名為巴西。此後,整個西半球被歐洲國家統治。這導致了許多事物的大量變化,如西半球的景觀、文化、人口、植物和動物生活。 1607年,當英國人開始在切薩皮克灣地區建立殖民地時,這種說法被進一步誇大了。此外,法國人在1608年建立了魁北克。荷蘭人對這個地區也表現出越來越大的興趣,這個地區就是今天的紐約。再過30-40年,普利茅斯公司、新法蘭西公司、馬薩諸塞灣公司和荷蘭灣公司開始向西半球地區派遣大批殖民者。因此,可以說,在這些地區,成功的殖民是不可避免的(Carroll, 2013)。


The first conquest had been made by Spain and Portuguese. The Spanish forces conquered the territories which were in the western South America and Mexico. During the same time, the Portuguese had also captured the area of eastern South America and had named the same as Brazil. After this, the entire western hemisphere was dominated by the European nations. This had led to the large number of changes in a number of things such as the landscape, culture, population, plant and animal life in the western hemisphere. This further exaggerated in the year 1607 when the English began to make a colony in the region of Chesapeake Bay. Further, the French built Quebec in the year 1608. The Dutch also showed more and more interest in that region which had become the present day New York. Within another 30-40 years, the Plymouth Company, the Company of New France, the Massachusetts Bay Company and the Dutch Bay Company begin to send a large number of colonists in the region of Western Hemisphere. Thus, it can be stated that in these regions, the successful colonization was not avoidable (Carroll, 2013).
Instead, the different European powers had been contesting more and more for the exploitation of the lands in North America. The process of European Colonization and Settlement in the region of North America had been further facilitated because of the invasion of the territories which had been controlled by the Native American. Another major group of people who played a significant role in the European Invasion of Western Hemisphere were Africans. From the very beginning, many of the Europeans planned to establish a large number of colonies in the regions of the western Hemisphere. The need for the European Attempts to do the establishment of the colonies in the regions of Western Hemisphere had been largely foundered because of the lack of laborers in order to do the hard-work which was related to the colony building. Each and every European power actually looked upon the African slaves in order to provide the labor on the islands which were in the West Indies. In order to facilitate the colonies, the Europeans also transferred these slaves to the other colonies in the Western Hemisphere.



增长型股票可以被定义为有望产生超过行业平均水平的收益的股票。通过这些公司,公司拥有竞争优势,这有助于他们赚取高于平均收入的利润。这些股票可能包括专利、制造规模或忠实客户。不过,一般成长型股票不支付股息(Bauman et al., 1998)。他们研究将利润再投资到新兴资本市场的方法。另一方面,价值型股票是一种营销理念,它是基于选择那些似乎被市场低估的股票的过程的方法(Harris et al., 1994)。如果这些公司具有较高的内在价值,那么对它们的投资可能是有益的(Miller et al., 1997)。苹果公司是计算成长型股票的最佳例子之一。2011年6月,据观察,该公司实现了5年每股收益以58.8%的速度增长。

这是一个高于行业平均水平的高增长率。在此期间,该公司甚至无需支付任何股息,预计每股收益约为25.00美元(Deepalakshmi, S.和Devarasetty, 2016)。卓越/创新的管理:苹果以其管理闻名于世。苹果公司的管理者已经成功地将四倍的成功给予了公司(Malmendier et al., 2016)。正是由于优雅的产品和周到的方法,苹果在世界上取得了成功。高利润率:苹果公司的利润率一直高于世界上大多数电脑制造公司。他们的营销策略使苹果成为股票市场上最成功的公司之一。苹果公司的利润率如此之高,以至于人们每一股的利润都在25美元左右。在2015财年,苹果的总收入约为33%,每股收益高达45%。这使得公司有了巨大的增长。


Growth stock may be defined as a stock that is expected to generate earnings which are over the average rate of the industry. Through these companies, a competitive advantage is possessed to the company which helps them to earn the profits above the average earnings. These stocks may include a patent, a manufacturing scale or loyal customers. Though, in general growth stocks do not pay dividends (Bauman et al., 1998). They work on the methodology of reinvestment of the profits into newer capital markets. Value stocks on the other hand are a marketing idea based on the approach related to the process of selection of those stocks which appears underpriced by the market (Harris et al., 1994). Investment in these companies may be beneficial in case they are having a high intrinsic value (Miller et al., 1997). One of the best examples of growth stock is Apple computed. In June, 2011, it was observed that the company has made a five year earnings per share at a growth rate of 58.8 %.

This was a high growth percentage above the average of the industry. During these times, the company didn’t have to pay even a single dividend and the projected earnings were around $25.00 per share (Deepalakshmi, S. and Devarasetty, 2016).Excellent/Innovative Management: Apple has been known for its management throughout the world. The managers at Apple have been successful in giving the fourfold success to the company (Malmendier et al., 2016). It is because of the elegant products and thoughtful approaches that Apple has proved to be successful in the world. High Profit Margins: The profit margins of apple have been higher than most of the computer making companies in the world. Their marketing strategies have made Apple one of the most successful companies in the stock markets. The profit margin of Apple is so high that on each and every share the people had earned around 25$ profit on every share. In the fiscal year 2015, the overall revenue of Apple was around 33 percent and the earnings on every share were up to 45 %. This incurred that there has been a huge growth for the company.






It can be considered as obvious that involving competition with the procedure of discovery should not be emphasized. In the case of emphasizing of this, the conclusion is obtained immediately that cannot be so obvious. The first importance of the competition lies with its unpredictable outcome and is wholly different from what anyone would have been consciously trying for. Moreover, the manifestation of the helpful effects has been carried out with disappointment of some expectations and certain intentions have been frustrated. There is close association of the second conclusion with the first conclusion with respect to the methodology. The question remains as to the reason why macro-economic theory lost considerable reputation in last twenty to thirty years (Harberger 1954). The macroeconomic theory in question is the structure of the economy’s fine details and analysis that can alone show the understanding related to the role of competition. The reason of the necessary consequence related to competition is the fact that the theory’s validity in relation to the competition cannot be verified with experiment for the cases of interest. The theory can be verified by the people on models based on preconceived theories.

Under such circumstances, the experiment’s outcome will have little interest, raising the question whether it would be worth the cost to conduct it. However, when the facts are unknown in advance, the discovery of those facts can be obtained from the competition. It also cannot be ascertained the way the competition, effectively lead to the relevant circumstances’ discovery with regards to what might have been discovered. The verification in the form experimenting consists of the societies that take up the usage of competition in realizing this outcome at an extent that is greater than what has been done by the others. The competition’s merits that cannot be verified empirically are exactly those cases where the discovery procedures shares the interests related to the science in general. The difference existing between the science’s successful procedure and the economic competition is that the economic competition carries a methodology to discover temporaries and specific circumstances, where as the science discovers the events’ irregularities, which can be described as general facts. The concern of the science is with specific facts that are unique to the extent that they confirm or refute its theories.



健康及安全代表是在工作地点或工作地点为代表某一特定健康及安全事宜工作小组选出的成员。WorkSafe认为高铁是促进现场施工咨询的重要组成部分。高铁有责任代表一个不同的工作组,确保各方成员之间的数据得到咨询。“安全工具箱会谈”是选举高铁的非正式程序(Grammeno, 2009)。必须考虑到,高铁不能由管理层指定。高铁必须由不同的工作组成员选举产生。高铁是工作组的组成部分,并将负责代表工作组。会议将在现场举行,共有15名成员。根据《世界卫生大会法》第52(3)条,协商程序会议将要求工人和管理人员进行协商,并就组建工作组达成一致。让多名承建商参与现场谘询、合作及统筹活动,因为这些活动可能会影响个别工人的健康或安全。

工厂安装程序和个人管理或控制工作场所需要咨询,合作和协调活动时,位置和施工完成的方式控制健康和安全的风险。管理代理需要咨询,合作和协调活动与租户。每个企业经营者都必须从供应链和物流链中参与,负责相互之间的咨询、合作和协调活动,以确定收集和交付货物的时间和过程(Grammeno, 2009)。特许权人与加盟商需协商、合作与协调活动,以确定特许权安排如何运作,以及就健康与安全向加盟商施加的相关要求。为了成立了一个委员会,首先将是至关重要的投票大会或通过请愿书(支持性文件部分,图2)。请愿获得最高票后形成的委员会,管理人员需要通知和请求应进一步进行(支持性文件部分,图3)。


A Health and safety representation is a member elected either on-site or within a workplace for represented a particular health and safety matters working group. WorkSafe recognizes HSR as an essential component to facilitate consultation on-site construction. It is the responsibility of HSR to represent a divergent working group that ensures that data is consulted between the embers of the parties. Safety Toolbox talks meeting is an informal procedure to elect an HSR (Grammeno, 2009). It is essential to consider that an HSR cannot be appointed by the management. It is essential for HSR to be elected through divergent work group members of which the HSR is a component of and will be responsible for representing. The meeting will be conducted on the site with 15 members. As per Section 52 (3) of WHS act, the consultation procedure meeting will require the workers and the management to negotiate and be in agreement to work group formation. Involving several contractors on site to consult, co-operate and co-ordinate activities as they might each impact the individual workers health or safety.

A plant installer and the individual manage or control workplace needs to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with regard to when, where and the way in which construction has to be done for controlling risks of health and safety .A managing agent needs to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with tenants.Each business operator has to be involved from the supply and logistic chain who are responsible for consulting, cooperating and coordinating activities among each other to determine the time and process to collect and deliver goods (Grammeno, 2009).A franchisor and franchisee needs to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities to determine how arrangements in franchises have to operate and related requirements that need to be imposed over the franchisee with regard to health and safety. In order to set up a committee, first it will be essential to vote at a general meeting or through petition (Supporting documents section, Figure 2). After the petition gains maximum votes for formation of the committee, management needs to be notified and request should further be made (Supporting documents section, Figure 3).



Bling Bling Pty Ltd .遭遇了一系列倒霉的事故,给公司带来了巨大的损失。这些事故包括股票被盗和鲍勃受伤。公司破产了,由清算人照管。这个解决方案提供了他是否可以索赔被担保利益拒绝的保险索赔的答案。保险确实为购买保险的人提供了安宁,比如鲍勃(Bob),他可以在事故中、在住宅中或在企业中赔偿受伤。但是,在实际发生伤害后,保险机构有可能拒绝赔偿。对于Bob的索赔被拒绝的常见解释如下(Harris et al . 2016):排除在保单中:特定的伤害索赔被有意排除在保险保单之外。覆盖失效或到期:Bob可能忽略了更新几种覆盖类型,而且在某些情况下,它通常不会自动得到扩展。

索赔可能是不正确的:提交的索赔输入有不适当的数据。治疗延迟:索赔可能会被拒绝,因为所谓的人身伤害没有寻求立即获得治疗或立即提出投诉(Harris et al . 2016)。未避免伤害:可根据当事方未避免情况或未采取合理行动避免情况恶化而拒绝安全索赔。所提供的解决办法有利于保险公司提出索赔并加以考虑这一事实。这是因为保险公司对保险公司的正当行为负有责任。保险机构可能会违反这一义务,因为其未能就索赔进行调查,进而未能就解决方案进行协商,也未能就无根据的伤害否认索赔进行协商(Harris et al., 2016)。


Bling Bling Pty Ltd faced series of bad luck accidents which caused the company to incur substantial losses. These accidents included stolen stock and injury to Bob. The company went into insolvency and under the care of the liquidator.This solution provides the answer to whether he can claim the insurance claims that have been rejected by security interest. Insurances do provide peace to people who purchase it, such as Bob for covering injuries in accidents, at the residence or at businesses. After an actual occurrence of injury takes place, however, it is possible for insurance organization to deny the injury coverage. Common explanations to why the claim of Bob was rejected include the following (Harris et al 2016): Exclusion in the policy: Specific injury claims are excluded intentionally from the policies of insurance. Coverage lapse or expiry: Bob might have neglected renewing several coverage types and often it does not automatically get extended in certain cases.

Claims may be incorrect: Submission of claim entered has inappropriate data.Treatment Delay: Claim might be denied because alleged person injury did not look for immediately obtaining treatment or making complaints immediately (Harris et al 2016).Failure of avoiding injuries: Claims of security can be denied depending upon the failure of the party to avoid the situation or to act in a reasonable manner for avoiding to make it deteriorating. The solution offered is in favour of the fact that insurance should be claimed and considered by the insurance company. This is because insurance company owns a duty to insurer for acting in proper faith. An insurance organization might breach such a duty through failing at investigation being done over a claim in turn failing at negotiating a settlement and claims of denial of injury unwarranted (Harris et al., 2016).



这种身体脂肪过多的复杂疾病被称为肥胖。肥胖的主要原因是摄入额外的卡路里,相比之下,那些燃烧正常的日常活动和锻炼(Balasubramanyam, 2013)。当一个人的体重达到或超过30磅时,他就被称为肥胖。一个人体内的脂肪过多会导致严重的健康问题。肥胖治疗的基础包括通过饮食和运动改变生活方式。肥胖不同于超重。额外的体重可能是骨骼、肌肉和身体的水分等。相对于一个人的身高被认为是健康的体重,肥胖者的体重更高。当一个人摄入的热量超过他们消耗的热量时,肥胖就开始了。每个人体内的卡路里摄入和消耗之间存在着不同的平衡。导致肥胖的各种因素是饮食过量、高热量食物、遗传问题和缺乏运动。第一个主要因素是精神疾病。

肥胖还会导致各种类型的心理障碍,如抑郁症、低自尊、饮食失调和扭曲的身体形象等。肥胖人群中抑郁症的发生率较高(Plomin, DeFries, Knopik, and Neiderheiser, 2013)。经常在中青年妇女暴食症观察到,使他们的体重减轻治疗困难。饮食习惯的紊乱会导致严重的问题,因此必须在早期诊断,必须像治疗其他疾病一样治疗。如果对饮食习惯中的行为障碍不给予适当的治疗,可能会导致严重的并发症,危及个体的生命(Cleave, 2013)。由肥胖引起的其他严重疾病包括糖尿病、癌症、心血管疾病和关节炎等。研究发现,情感障碍与体重增加之间的关系比男性更为密切。焦虑和情绪障碍与肥胖密切相关。与肥胖男性相比,肥胖女性更容易抑郁。肥胖也会引起自杀的可能性,主要是男性,女性的BMI较高,导致自杀意念的可能性。


The complex disorder that involves extra amount of body fat is known as Obesity. The major cause of obesity is intake of extra calories in comparison to those that are burnt because of normal daily activities and exercises (Balasubramanyam, 2013). The person is said to be obese when the body mass is 30 or higher. Serious health issues arise due to the excessive fat in the body of an individual. The foundation of obesity treatment includes changes in the lifestyle through diet and exercise. Obesity is different from having extra weight. The extra weight may be bones, muscles and water of the body, etc. Obese people have higher weight in comparison to what is considered healthy according to an individual’s height. Obesity starts when a person intakes more calories than used by them. There exists a different balance between calories-in and calories-out in each person. The various factors that contribute in obesity are overeating, high-calorie foods, genetic issues and physically inactive. The first main factor is mental illness.

Obesity also results in various types of psychological disorders such as depression, low-self esteem, eating disorders and distorted body image etc. A higher rate of depression is observed among the obese people (Plomin, DeFries, Knopik, and Neiderheiser, 2013). Often in middle-aged and young women binge eating disorder is observed that makes their weight loosing treatment difficult. Disturbances in the eating habits can lead to serious problems therefore must be diagnosed at early stages and must be treated like other medical disorders. If no proper treatment is given to the behavioral disorder in eating habits, then they may lead to harsh medical complications that can be a threat to life of individuals (Cleave, 2013). Other serious ailments due to obesity include diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and arthritis etc. Stronger relationship among women in comparison to men is observed between affective disorder and elevated body weight. Anxiety and mood disorders are closely associated with obesity. Obese women are more prone to depression in comparison to obese men. Obesity can also attract likelihood of attempting suicide mainly among men and higher BMI in women, resulting in likelihood of suicidal ideation.



孩子们进入并生活在这个世界上,在那里他们感知到绝对依赖的状态。他们的需要,除了纯粹的生物功能,必须得到照顾。然而,自我依赖的概念得到了成人世界的强化和鼓励(Merriam, 2008)。由于自立性的差异,成人教育与儿童教育是不一样的。在传统的观念中,孩子被认为是空的容器,教师在传授知识中起着至关重要的作用。教师和家长考虑控制课堂之外的信息,以决定学习的质量。训练者对成年人没有这样的控制。当个体按照自己的学习风格被鼓励学习时,他们的学习效率最高(Ntiri, 2013)。关于学习的风格和相关的文学作品有许多高度多样化的看法。虽然大多数人可以考虑使用不同的风格来学习,但大多数人根据自己的喜好有一种风格。

在成人学习理论的背景下,培训师的工作是成年人学习的动力。他们的学习动机可以被唤醒,不能被强迫(Fidishun, 2000)。因此,当成年人表现出发展新技能、获取新信息、满足内心愿望和提高专业能力的意愿时,他们就能有效地学习。成年人往往在他们被认为有用的时候提供最好的学习。成年人需要实事求是地学习。他们可能会理解跟上影响他们职业或生活的变化的重要性,但是学习一些信息或技能以供将来使用,却很少会感到满足。它们大多需要即时的应用范围,并且能够以最好的方式学习


Children enter and live in this world where they perceive the condition of absolute dependency. Their needs, other than the pure biological functions, have to be taken care of. However, the concept of self- dependency is reinforced and encouraged by the world of adult (Merriam, 2008). As a result of differences in self- dependency, teaching adults is not the same as teaching children. In traditional terms, children are considered as empty vessels and teachers play a crucial role pouring knowledge. Teachers and parents consider controlling the information that ends up going beyond the classroom for determining the quality to learn as it ends up coming. There is no such control of trainers over adults. There is most effectiveness of individuals when they are encouraged to learn as per their personal style of learning (Ntiri, 2013). There are a number of highly diversified perceptions on the styles of learning and literature related to it. While majority of the individuals can consider learning by the use of different styles, majority of the people have one as per their preference.

In context with the theories of adult learning, the job of trainer is the motivation of adults for learning. Their motivation for learning can be awakened and cannot be forced (Fidishun, 2000). Hence, there is effective learning among adults when they show willingness in the development of new skill, acquisition of new information, fulfilment of inner desires, and improvement of professional competence. Adults tend to deliver best learning when they are seen as useful. Adults need to approach learning practically. They may create an understanding about the significance to keep up with changes that impact their profession or their life, but there is rare satisfaction for learning about some information or skill for future utilization. They mostly require immediate scope of application and they are able to learn in the best possible






















这是整个游戏的战略元素。当电子生成的轨迹球在慢动作精确地穿越想象线的飞行轨迹时,人群对最终的结果做出了重要的反应。这种关于悬念、策略和技巧的叙述,可以被看作是为电视观众精心制作的,为了掩盖一个镜头,通过多次重播,吸引专家评论的注意力,以展示心理、技术和运动技能。在某种程度上,“鹰眼”帮助揭示了与特定镜头或场景相关的潜在真相,在真正的比赛环境中再次释放动作,并恢复游戏(Bissell, 2004)。这可以被定义为纯粹的戏剧,在纯戏剧中,技术进步的意义丰富的现场文本迅速被观众所接受,并被用来丰富观看的乐趣。

虽然体育游戏在多个媒体渠道上不断蓬勃发展,但电视仍然是传播和消费体育相关信息和娱乐的主要渠道。电视观众可以考虑订购特殊的事件,为每一次观看付费,观看带有体育专门内容的频道(Buraimo & Simmons, 2008)。整个比赛对我来说是一个巨大的体验,因为我能够看到在电视上观看比赛和在体育场现场观看比赛之间的主要区别,在整个气氛中。龙骑兵直到下半场才开始得分,他们的进攻仍然很糟糕。在比赛的后半段,他们面临着很多的困难,要获得真正的流畅感和节奏,尽管上半场有三次尝试被取消。


There was a strategic element about the overall game. As the flight path generated electronically for the tracks of ball across the line of imagination in slow motion precision, the crowd gave significant reaction to the final result. This narrative of suspense, strategy and skill can be seen as extremely crafted for the viewer on television with a number of replays in order to cover up one shot and attention of expert commentary drawn to the psychological, technical and athletic skills being displayed. At one point, Hawk- eye helps in revealing the underlying truth related to a specific shot or a scene, there is releasing of action again within the real setting of the competition and there is resuming of the game (Bissell, 2004). This can be identified as pure theatre, under which there is enrichment of live text with the significance of technical advancement that has been embraced by audiences rapidly and this is used for the enrichment of spectatorial pleasure.

Even though sports games have been continuously flourishing over several channels of media, television can be identified as the prime channel to broadcast and consumer information and entertainment related to sports. Viewers of television can consider ordering special events by paying for every view and watching channels with specialized content of sports (Buraimo & Simmons, 2008). The entire game can be considered as a huge experience for me as I was able to see the major difference between watching the game on TV and live while visiting the stadium, in context with the entire atmosphere. The Dragoons had not been scoring any points until the second half of the game as they continued with their woes of attacking. They faced a lot of struggle in getting any real flow or rhythm in the second half of the game, even though there had been disallowance of three tries in the first half session of the game.