



Cupid falls short of his undirected mind, and is passionately in love with psyche, and psyche is more responsive and devoted to Cupid without doubt (Apuleius and Kenney). The passionate love in psyche is not mad, but is shown to be calculative, of divine qualities, and unafraid of the consequences, whatever they may be, thus despising death. Venus, getting annoyed over her declining popularity, orders her to perform three tasks. These tasks were set up by Venus to have psyche fail and let her be alone without cupid. The love depicted in this narrative is heavenly and of divine qualities, as psyche goes to all extents of embracing danger to fulfil the tasks, all in anticipation of being eternally united with cupid. Psyche wins all tasks, undergoing life-risking attempts, indicating the divineness with which she loved, though being herself a mortal. She could get through the difficult tasks only because of her denial to subjugate blindly to Eros and have it enacted through her actions.
She instead made it a challenge and accepted all calls as fate and managed to conquer them all with her sheer will. This will come from nothing else, but her intensity and belief in her love for cupid that she was certain of winning and failure or fate losing.Virgil shows Eros as one which is to be shunned and rejected on an outright basis, because of the tragic ends that it generates, leaving lovers to be disunited for ever. Eros is to be rejected to avoid the destructive outcome, and thus it is projected as a destructive feeling or aspect of life. Ovid, through many tales, reflects the impact of Eros on the female psyche where it not only destroys the lovers, but also being the sole reason for such a fate. Ovid considers Eros as a cosmic force connecting people, while Virgil takes it as a distraction in one’s duty. Apuleius is the only one who considers its divine qualities which he articulately depicts in the tale of Cupid and Psyche. Psyche wins because of her unwavering belief in Eros.



在这个特殊的场景中,薄伽丘显然描绘了女性比男性更狡猾的一面。在他看来,男性无法与女性明显的狡诈竞争。尽管《十日谈》中有很多故事非正式地宣称维克多是女性,但也有人认为事实正好相反。也有这样的故事:与女性相比,男性获得了胜利,同时在某种程度上超越了女性(薄伽丘和尼古拉36)。在这种情况下,值得注意的是,在男人声称优越的情况下,男人会取得胜利。在考虑若干主题和专题的同时,对男女的不同特点作了重要的评论。从故事中可以看出,女性在很多方面都具有明显的优势。薄伽丘特别暗示,女人更狡猾,更好色,更坚强。就像在这些故事中一样,一些叙述者比较了女性和男性的性格特点,为比较提供参考(Franklin 14)。《十日谈》的成功靠的是欺骗性的消息来源。


As in this particular scenario, it seems apparent that Boccaccio depicts the superior cunningness of women in comparison with men. According to him, men cannot compete with the obvious craftiness of the female gender. While a number of stories in Decameron informally declares victor as women, the reverse can also be argued as true. There are also stories in which there is emergence of men with victory in comparison with women, while surpassing them in some way or the other (Boccaccio and Nicholas 36). With this being true, it is worth noting that circumstances within which superiority is claimed by men, men emerge with victory. While considering a number of themes and topics, significant commentary is provided in the different characteristic of women and men. It is proposed in the stories that women have significant superiority in a number of aspects. It is specifically implied by Boccaccio that women are more cunning, lustful, and hardier. As in these stories, several narrators have compared the characteristics of females and male for providing reference of comparison (Franklin 14). Decameron has resorted deceptive sources for being successful.
There is demonstration of subtle powers possessed by women though their real powers are not enjoyed by them under the social hierarchy set across the 14th century. Boccaccio shares the belief of Petrarch and Dante regarding the theme that reading love story can cause deadly, potential danger. However, there is no necessary representation of love theme in the reading experience victimizing Francesca by Dante. According to Boccaccio, the illusion of individually enclosing the theme of love necessarily did not result in hell. Instead, love was presented as unhealthy for featuring protagonists requiring large texts for extricating their difficulties. While love is presenting a moral issue as per Dante, it is problematic for Boccaccio in terms of its convoluted, complicated and long form (Smarr 24). The episodes of love appeared to reflect life duration with closer proximity within the novel. The long texts provide space of characters for wandering and erring as done by individuals in their lifetime. It is also acknowledged that the space of narration requires those who read it diligently, overwhelmed by the prolixity of this theme.



无论是战时还是其他紧急情况,广告都能对人们产生积极的影响。这对国家是有益的,因为个人可以了解与政府开展的活动相关的信息。这也是有益的,因为通过广告,传统广告可以为美国公民提供大量的社会福利。以Megan Vande Kerckhove为例,她是佛罗里达大学媒体实验室的一名学生(Cappo, 2003)。他说广告可以被用作言论自由。广告对美国的经济也很有用。广告一直在鼓励大量的公司竞争并得到越来越多的新产品。广告的结果对美国的经济产生了积极的影响。它可以进一步帮助创造新的就业机会,因为广告的目的需要越来越多的人。广告的另一个好处是人们可以在大量的产品中进行选择。


Be it the war-time or other emergency situations, the advertisements can have a positive impact on the people. This is beneficial for the nation as individuals gets to know the information related to the activity which is carried out by the government. It is also beneficial as through advertisements traditional advertisements can offer a large number of social benefits for the citizens of USA. One example can be observed by taking the example of Megan Vande Kerckhove who is a student at the University of Florida’s media lab (Cappo, 2003). He states that advertisement can be used as a free speech. Advertisement is also useful for the economies of USA. Advertisement has been encouraging a large number of companies to compete and get more and more new products. As a result of the advertisement, there is a positive impact on the economy of USA. It can further help with the creation of new jobs as more and more people are required for the purpose of advertisements. Another benefit of advertisement is that the people can get the choice among the large number of products.
Though there are a number of positive impacts of advertising on the people of USA, there is significant number of negative impacts of the same. Firstly, by advertisement, there is a negative impact on teens and young children. Many advertisements that are being broadcasted in USA are explicit and considered bad for the children. Another negative impact is that the company which is broadcasting the advertisement may popularize a wrong feature related to the advertisement. Advertisement generally feed a wrong idea among the people that everything in our life is only for sales. Without the use of money, one can’t get anything in life. There are many advertisements that can make the person feel empty and dissatisfied. Another negative impact of advertisement is that it is making the people of USA greedier. They wish to buy each and everything which is listed in an advertisement. Another negative impact of promotion observed in USA is that the political candidates who have huge budgets can get a better electoral advantage.



以下是对上述三个问题的建议。最后的建议是进行经济预测。价格随季节变化和供求关系的平衡而波动是可以理解的。在这种情况下,经济预测将通知行业价格政策的变化。这一预测也将指导健康中心和度假村业主了解市场情况,并影响价格变化的决策。这个行业完全以客户和供应商为导向。只要品牌潜力高,客户就会聚集起来获得服务(Cohen和Bodekar, 2008)。因此,定价政策应该基于目标市场的人口和经济状况。这取决于竞争力。不过,它应该致力于可交付成果和服务质量,从而进一步提高需求。度假村和水疗产业受到几个趋势的影响,塑造了全球市场的功能和可持续性。本节详细介绍了影响该行业未来的5大趋势。第一个趋势是技术浪潮。度假村和水疗行业必须应对技术变革,并将技术整合为商业模式的一部分(Mill, 2007)。
随着社交媒体和数字趋势的出现,水疗行业被这些技术所主导。大多数spa服务提供商并不知道技术的变化,因此,业务模型失败了。影响该行业及其未来的下一个趋势是与医疗健康的联系。水疗与医疗行业息息相关,因为两者的愿景都是放松客户和丰富健康方面。人们相信,度假村将由寻求健康治疗的病人组成,而不是医院。这将改变该行业未来的服务清单。第三个趋势与技术治疗的创新有关。如前所述,技术将主宰这个行业的未来。然而,这将影响水疗中心的设计和客户体验。该技术将不仅局限于酒店和客人的旅程,还包括其他处理实例的模式,如可改善客户健康的色度疗法(Willet, 2010)。


The recommendations to the three issues mentioned are listed below. The final recommendation is to carry out an economic forecast. It is understandable that the prices should fluctuate depending on the seasonal changes and the equilibrium relationship between demand and supply. In such a case, the economic forecast will notify the industry on changes in pricing policies. This forecast will also guide the wellness centers and resort owners on the market conditions and influence decisions on price changes. This industry is completely customer and supplier oriented. As long as the brand potential is high, the customers pool in to acquire the services (Cohen and Bodekar, 2008). Hence, the pricing policy should be based on the demographic and economic conditions of target market. It can vary depending on the competitiveness. Still, it should work on deliverables and quality of service that will further empower the demand rates.The resort and spa industry is influenced by several trends that shape the functioning and sustainability in the global market. This section details on 5 major trends that shape the future of this industry. The first trend is the wave of technology. It is essential for the resort and spa industry to address the technological change and integrate technology as a part of the business model (Mill, 2007).
With the social media and digital trends already in existence, the spa industry is dominated by these technologies. Most of the spa service providers are unaware of the technological changes and hence, the business models fail. The next trend influencing the industry and its future is the connection with medical wellness. The spas are associated with the medical industry as the vision of both is to relax the customer and enrich the health aspect. Instead of hospitals, it is believed that resorts will comprise of patients who are looking for wellness treatments. This will transform the future services list of this industry. The third trend is associated with innovation in tech treatments. As already mentioned, technology will rule the future of this industry. However, it will influence the spa design and customer experiences. The technology will not only be limited to hospitality and guest journey but also include alternative modalities to deal with instances such as chromo therapy that can improve wellness of customers (Willet, 2010).

論文 代寫:社會因素

論文 代寫:社會因素
社會因素:社會因素是文化、價值觀、信仰、信仰、人口統計學差異、教育、移民、移民、趨勢或人們的生活方式的總和。組織需要分析該國的社會因素,以便處理該國目前的社會問題。人口因素也會影響企業,因為不同品味和偏好的人來自不同的年齡段,他們的需求或需求取決於他們的年齡、品味或偏好。阿里巴巴考慮了社會因素,因為這些因素對組織的社會供應結構產生了影響。阿里巴巴利用這些因素對組織及其提供的產品和服務進行自我宣傳(Kolios & Read, 2013)。興趣的使用是基於人口因素,因為年輕人使用互聯網越來越多。技術因素:技術帶來組織在市場中運作方式的變化。這種技術上的變化催生了在線支付的概念;3D打印和互聯網普及。
它為企業提供了競爭優勢,並有助於應對日益激烈的市場競爭。技術的變化導致了在線方面的使用增加,這促使阿里巴巴在網上提供服務,提高業務客戶的滿意度。由於中國科技的進步,阿里巴巴正在提供在線購物、在線轉賬和電子商務服務。例如:隨著科技公司的發展,網上支付模式為客戶提供了不同的支付方式。環境因素:環境因素是指一個國家的環境條件,如氣候條件或天氣條件、自然災害或其他方面的環境。這些都會在很大程度上影響企業的績效。阿里巴巴需要分析這些因素,以消除環境因素對組織運營的不良影響(Kolios & Read, 2013)。氣候條件的變化可能會對互聯網速度產生影響,進而影響到阿里巴巴的整體銷售。

論文 代寫:社會因素

Social factors: social factors are the sum total of the culture, values, faith, beliefs, demographic differences, education, immigration, emigration, trends or the lifestyle of the people. Organisations need to analyse the social factors of the country so as to deal with the social aspects present in the country. Demographic factors also affect the business as the different people with different taste and preference are from different age groups and their needs or demands depends on the basis of their age or taste or preference. Alibaba has considered social factors as these factors create impact over the social supply structure of the organisation. Alibaba has used these factors for the self-promotion of the organisation and the products and services offered by it (Kolios & Read, 2013). The usage of interest is based on the demographic factor as the young people are using internet more.Technological factors: changes the technology brings changes in the manner in which organisation operated in the market. This change in the technology has given rise to the concept of online payment; 3D printing and internet penetration.
It provides a competitive advantage to the business and helps in dealing with the increasing competition in the market. The change in the technology has resulted into rise in the use of online aspects which has motivated Alibaba to provide services online and to enhance the level of satisfaction of the customers of the business. Alibaba is offering online shopping, online money transfer facility and e-commerce facilities due to the advancement in the technology in the country. For example: with the development in the technology companies operating on online mode are offering different ways to the customers for making payment.Environmental factors: environmental factors are the conditions of the environment of the country such as the climatic conditions or weather conditions, natural disasters or other aspects of the environment. These affect the performance of the business at huge level. Alibaba need to analyse these factors so as to eliminate the ill effects of environmental factors from the operations of the organisation (Kolios & Read, 2013). The change in the climatic conditions can create impact over the internet speed which can affect the sales of Alibaba at large.



这些银行为该公司提供了1.35亿欧元的债务重组成本。在这笔交易中,NAB与新西兰银行(Bank of New Zealand)一起提供了债务,汇丰银行(HSBC Bank)也为该公司提供了6000万美元的透支。在此之前,行动西太平洋银行是迪克·史密斯的主要运营商。它只在此操作之后向银行处理事务性服务。由于公司重组,NAB和汇丰银行实际上首当其冲(Low, 2016)。在这种情况下,公司无法满足财务预期,由于公司的库存水平,债务不断增加。在这种情况下,公司破产程序(如清算、自愿管理和破产接管)的合理考虑得到了考虑。为此目的,需要外部管理人员提供服务,并有一个程序来核可外部管理人员的费用。根据政府的授权,澳大利亚重组破产和周转协会(ARITA)参与了破产从业人员。


These banks had provided the company with 135m debt repackaging and restructuring costs. In this, NAB provided debt along with Bank of New Zealand and HSBC bank had provided with $60m overdraft for the company. Prior to this, action Westpac bank was the lead operator to Dick Smith. It only handled transactional services to the bank subsequent to this action. NAB and HSBC actually faced the brunt of the issue owing to the restructuring of the company (Low, 2016). In this case, the company was not able to meet the financial expectations and there was rising debt owing to the inventory levels of the company. In this case, the plausible considerations of company insolvency procedures such as liquidation, voluntary administration and receivership have been considered. For this purpose, the services of the external administrators are sought and there is a process in place to approving of the fees of external administrators. According to the government mandates, the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA) is involved for the insolvency practitioners.
They endorse and encourage the members to make their availability known esp. to the affected people.According to the industry forecast and analyst opinion, the company Dick Smith proceeding tried to expand too fast. In this operation, they had failed to sustain. There was negative cash flow in the company. To handle these issues and to increase cash flow into the company the company created a number of sales strategies. The company in December had created discount sale that lead to the company facing more problems and the issue become bigger. Alternative funding would not have been sufficient even to manage the short term inventory requirements. The directors of the company were not able to obtain the required support from the banking syndicate leading to voluntary administration. Voluntary administration is the act followed by the company when they are facing dire economic troubles. Australian law allows a system of voluntary administration. This is appointed by the board of directors. In this case, Dick Smith Board of directors appointed an external administrator to oversee their proceedings.

留学 文书:研究方法

留学 文书:研究方法

对于研究的其他要素,有必要探讨二次研究的方法论。因为只有通过现有的初步研究才能找到获得某些要素的途径。本研究以文献资料、媒体文章及器物的形式进行档案研究,并利用之前进行的实证研究进行分析。考虑到道德因素是人民的政治立场,所以要保密。为了进行这项研究,事先得到了人们的同意。这是由同意书上的get signed consent完成的。有关场地的某些关键信息已提供给参与者,以便他们了解所提供的材料。参与者正在整理研究名称的书面记录,并向他们提供了联系方式。他们被告知可以随时撤销权限。在构建问题框架的同时,还努力确保员工的偏见不会渗透到所构建的问题中。调查发现,在这项特殊的调查中,大多数年轻人选择参加调查。
从调查结果中发现,大多数参与者并不记得历史上的确切事件,但对柏林墙有很多看法。采用定性研究与二级研究相结合的方法,从整体的角度来认识形势。该小组记录了街头艺术,并在此分析中探索艺术作品的细微差别。关于柏林墙的信息和见解是在一个非商业平台上收集的。即使支付了参观费用,在这个过程中也没有考虑到商业化的因素(sham, and Schmidt, 2007.)。这是在这个过程中得出的一个主要观察结果。街头艺术,涂鸦有着有趣的历史。众所周知,柏林墙被称为“死亡地带”。人们用这种艺术形式来阐明他们对人民政治议程的看法。这是用来表达人们的好恶的。

留学 文书:研究方法

For other elements of the research, there was a need to probe into the secondary research methodology. Since the access to certain elements could be found only through existing primary research. Archival research in the form of documents, media articles along with artifacts, empirical research that was conducted prior was used for this analysis. The ethical considerations that was considered was the political stances of the people, confidentiality was maintained. For the purpose of this research there was Prior consent obtained from the people. This was done by get signed consent in the consent form. Certain key information regarding the place was given to the participants to understand about the material they provide. The participants were aligning a written record of the research name, contact information was also provided to them. They were told that they can revoke their permissions anytime. While framing the questions efforts were taken to ensure that the bias of the employee did not seep through into the questions that were framed. It was found that for this particular survey a majority of young people choose to attend the survey.
It was found from this survey results that the majority of the participants do not remember the exact events in history, but had many perspectives about the Berlin wall. A combination of the primary qualitative research and secondary research has been used to understand about the situation from a holistic angle. The group documented the street art and the nuances of the artistic works were explored in this analysis. The information and insight about the Berlin wall was collected in a non-commercial platform. Even though payments were made to visit the place, there was no element of commercializing that was considered in this process (Feversham, and Schmidt, 2007.). This was a primary observation that was made in this process. The street art, Graffiti has an interesting history. It is a well known fact that the Berlin Wall was known as the “death strip”. People used this art form to elucidate their opinions about the politics agendas of the people. This was used to express the likes and dislikes of the people.

personal statement 代写:营销活动

personal statement 代写:营销活动

重要的是,所有的营销媒介都要被利用,因为它们对企业都有一定的影响,把它们包括到活动中会增加企业对客户的曝光量。电子营销策略还必须考虑到成本的角度,在这种情况下,企业将需要采用成本最低、花费最少时间和精力但直接接触目标消费者的营销方法。渐渐地,这些营销方法可以改变,纳入更复杂的策略和媒介,这将提高企业的能力,扩大其涵盖的领域,随着时间的推移,嗅探接触到更多的人。如今,电子营销越来越激烈,要求企业采取更巧妙的策略来接触客户。这对BabyRun来说非常重要。即采用白帽营销方法,但谨慎地运用策略,以便在不违反法律准则的情况下接触到尽可能多的受众(Smith & Chaffey, Emarketing Excellence: the Heart of Ebusiness, 2002)。

personal statement 代写:营销活动

They should be able to also place orders and perform additional product specification research directly on the website. The marketing objectives will still need to go one step further to the monitoring stage where the website and all marketing tools will require being closely monitored. This is very important as it delivers very important information linked to the marketing campaigns progress and customer feedback. This information allows for additional modifications to be made which address any problems to improve the marketing campaign.The e-marketing strategy also plays an immense role towards a business’s marketing plans success; making it vital to implement an e-marketing strategy which addresses every aspect linked to the campaign and ensures smooth implementation. There are huge implementations linked to the marketing strategy. This makes it critical to ensure BabyRun.ie e-marketing strategy is well planned and organized to ensure delivery of the best result. E-marketing strategies must incorporate approaches which will connect the brand to all its customers using digital technology. At the same time it must also reach out to those reliant on traditional marketing approaches such as TV, Radio, and banners (Albee, 2009).
It’s important that all marketing medium are utilized since they all have a certain effect on the business and including them to the campaign will increase the amount of exposure the business has to its customers. E-marketing strategies must also take the cost perspective into consideration where the business will require adopting marketing approaches which cost the least amount of money and require the least amount of time and effort but reach out to the target consumer directly. Gradually, these marketing approaches can be altered to incorporate more complex strategies and medium which will improve the businesses ability to broaden the areas it covers sniff reach out to more people over time.Today, e-marketing is growing more intense and requiring businesses to adopt even more cunning tactics to reach out to the customers. This makes it very important for BabyRun.ie to adopt white hat marketing approaches but utilizes the strategy carefully so as to reach out to the largest possible audience without breaching the legal guidelines (Smith & Chaffey, Emarketing Excellence: The Heart of Ebusiness, 2002).





1、第一阶段Admission Assistant初审;

2、第二阶段Associate Director复审;

3、第三阶段Admission Scholar Committee终审。








論文代寫 推薦:印刷術

論文代寫 推薦:印刷術
然而,對於大量的印刷拷貝來說,這種活字印刷效率高,速度快。 “當一種形式給人留下印象的時候,另一種形式的字體也在形成。當一種形式的印刷完成後,另一種形式就準備好了。這樣兩種形式交替出現,印刷速度很快”(Tsien, & Needham, 1987)。木活字與金屬活字:畢昇也是最早使用木活字的人。但這種印刷方式由於存在許多問題而沒有得到廣泛的應用。由於木紋的原因,這項技術被放棄了,木紋在油墨中浸泡後變得不均勻。木活字的製作方法是王震於1298年重新發明的。他是楊朝的官員。他印刷了上百份《景德縣志》。這本書有六萬字。該系統進一步加強了在熔化的銅,錫,青銅和鐵壓制木塊。

論文代寫 推薦:印刷術

The wood blocks were carved with entire text of the page, and then they were inked and pressed on the paper. According to the Buddhist belief, it is said that oldest printed scroll came from north-west China in 700 AD. The hand written copy of the text was stick with the smooth board. The front of the paper was placed facing the board, so that characters could be seen in reverse. These characters were then carved on the board. One of the oldest printed scrolls comes from the Buddhist religious text. This scroll is called as Wong Jei’s scroll; it was prepared with wooden blocks.Ceramic Movable Type: Bi Sheng was the inventor of ceramic movable type in China in 1040 AD. This was the time of Northern Song Dynasty in China. When he wanted to print something, he used to use an iron frame and set it over the iron plate. In this frame the types or seals were closely placed to each other and then were kept near the fire to get heated. After melting, they were used for printing. His method of printing with ceramic was easy and convenient for printing 2-3 copies.
However, for a large number of printing copies, this movable type was highly efficient and quick. “While the impression was being made from the one form, the type was being put in place on the other. When the printing of the one form was finished, the other was then ready. In this way the two forms alternated and the printing was done with great rapidity”(Tsien, & Needham, 1987). Wooden and Metal Movable Type: Bi Sheng was the person who also pioneered the use of wooden movable type. But this kind of printing style was not much used due to many problems. The technique was abandoned due to the wood grains, and wooden type became uneven after getting soaked in the ink. The method of preparing wooden movable type was reinvented by Wang Zhen in the year 1298. He was the government official in the Yang Dynasty. He was credited for printing hundred copies of Records of Jingde County. This book contained sixty thousand characters. This system was further enhanced with wooden blocks pressed in the melted copper, tin, bronze and iron.