








An annual leave of 20 days a year is given to Australians: In United States such long annual leaves are not provided to the employees. Thus it is important while designing a compensation structure for an Australia based company.
There are flat hierarchies in offices: The culture of organizational hierarchies primarily does not exist in Australian culture. Australian believes on the encouragement of respect and engagement of all employees at same levels. Thus it is important to rejoice the senior officials of the company.
The rules and regulations can be intimidating in Australia: The foreign companies had to work according to many rules and regulations framed by the various governments in Australia. The MNC had to follow the guidelines provided by the National workplace safety laws which are known as the Occupational health and Safety. This is related to the reporting of the minor injuries sustained at work (Australia, 2012). It is difficult to dismiss staff by the companies as on-spot sacking is unheard in Australia. There are rules for the firms for governing discrimination and inter-office behavior that helps in ensuring that everyone is treated with equality and are able to perform their jobs well.
Australian’s will not accept easily that they are overburdened and have a lot of work to do: Saying no even truthfully for more work and being overburdened then the employees will be seen as incapable and will be distanced as it will be assumed that the employee is unable to handle the job.
Australians have strong work ethics: Australians have longest working weeks in the world. They have a saying for hard work i.e. “hard yakka” and it is said that it will provide the employees with a badge of pride (Starnes, 2003). For keeping the work on the low level fuss are created and a keel is done when work is completed.
Australians are fond of socializing after work: For Australians there is no specified day for socializing. They socialize even in week days after tight scheduled working hours.



利益冲突:约翰严重侵害个人利益与组织利益的冲突。他无法理解他如何使自己的目标和兴趣与组织的目标相适应。约翰对权力和权威,促进个人目标与组织目标相冲突的情况(Easterby Smith,2012)。约翰为了实现个人目标而不停地斗争,造成了冲突的局面,阻碍了组织的健康工作环境。


Ambiguous responsibility: There exists ambiguity between the roles and responsibilities between the John and Tania. John is unclear about his capabilities and area of project due to which conflicts occur between the two. Both are interdependent on each other for their tasks to be performed. Conflict between the two arises as territorial issues as both of them make decisions that appear as cross boundaries of responsibilities (De Wit, 2012). This can be prevented when roles and responsibilities are made clear to each individual and they must be agreed by the parties before they start working as a team.
ii)Conflict of Interest: John is severely suffering with the conflict of personal interest over the organizational interests. He is unable to understand how he has to fit his personal goals and interests with the organizational goals of the organization. John’s personal goals of promotion for power and authority were in conflicting situation with the organizational goals (Easterby-Smith, 2012). John was fighting unduly for the fulfilment of his personal goals that created the situation of conflict and hampered the healthy working environment of the organization.
iii)Interpersonal relationships: In the situation of conflict resolution the various types of personalities of individuals play a crucial role in the conflict resolution. Interpersonal relationships play a major role in creating the situation of conflicts and due to their interpersonal issues with the other person both the parties are unable to resolve their personal issues with each other (Dean, 2013). It is difficult for individuals to keep aside their personal prejudices when working in an organization. Thus it is crucial that such personal prejudices must be recognized within time and before they create the situation of conflict in the organization must be settled down before the conflict occurs between the employees in the organization.





The foremost improvement that our educational institution requires is the enhancement and to make better the teaching standards of the instructors by providing them with training programs. This improvement in our institution is required because of making it as one of the leading educational institution that can impart quality education to the students. Moreover, this improvement is also required to provide a best learning environment for the students.
Building team for Bringing Improvement
Bringing an improvement is a sort of a major change and it requires the whole organization behind it. Thus, to implement this improvement in our educational institution the consent and agreement of both the management as well as the instructors are involved. The reason for involving both the management of the educational institution and the instructor is necessary because without both of them the process of bringing this new improvement of enhancing the teaching standards cannot be made successful.
The current System and the Improvement
The current system that is followed is that the instructors are hired on the basis of their educational background and they are retained at the institution with their past educational records only; however, with the new introduced system the instructors will be provided with training so that their teaching skills can be more enhanced, frequently updated and they are made enabled to provide better knowledge to the students.
Documentation Currently Exist and Improvement
In the existing documentation the instructors are required to submit only their educational records with the institution. In the improved system that is designed with the intention of improving the teaching standards, the instructors are also asked to submit their details regarding competencies and skills. In this way, areas where they are lacking can be easily indentified and can be trained.
2.5 Encouraging New Ideas and Innovative Thinking
This new idea of introducing training programs for enhancing teaching standards of the instructors can be encouraged throughout the organization by developing understanding among the members of the institution about the profitable consequences if this improvement is implemented.











Haverwood家具公司面临几个挑战。主要挑战是如何分配广告支出扩散。他们的广告代理公司Hervey和Bernham建议增加广告费用$ 225,000,由消费者杂志杂志的消费者营销计划通过几个客户杂志广告发放。木制家具的客户支出是非常经常性的,并且与新房开工的规律性,客户信心和不可重复使用的收入无关。迈克尔·哈维认为,增加客户支出225,000美元将大大影响消费者对企业的信心,激励销售。尽管商业研究认为消费者认为家具购物体验是令人愉快的,消费者知道这样一个事实,即他们通常缺乏评估家具建筑,提供质量决定和定量评估家具价格所需的能力和可靠性(Silva, 2009)。
Haverwood面临的另一个挑战是决定是否在目前与一家名为Lea Meadows Inc.的家具公司合并之后合并销售工作。这是一个很好的前景,可以填补其商品组合中的差距。此外,Haverwood已经雇佣了一个由10名全职销售代表组成的团队,他们每年获得的薪水加上一笔小额佣金。 Lea Meadows雇佣了15名销售代理来代表其商品,他们剩下的公司销售佣金是5%。他们的销售代理也代表非竞争性家具公司。现有的挑战是决定是否结合销售努力或提供一个销售团队的室内装饰线(PDC,2009)。


Haverwood Furniture Inc. surfaces a couple of challenges. The chief challenge is how to assign an advertising expenditure proliferation. Their advertisement agency Hervey and Bernham propose increasing advertising expenses by $225,000, to be disbursed on consumer marketing program for shelter magazines by several customer magazines advertisements. Customer spending for wood furniture is very recurrent and is unswervingly linked with the regularity of new housing starts, customer confidence, and not reusable income. Michael Harvey believes that increasing customer spending by $225,000 will considerably effect consumer confidence in the business’s favor, motivating sales. Even though business study opines that consumers regard the furniture shopping experience to be enjoyable, consumers know the fact that they often lack the required abilities and sureness to assess furniture construction, provide decisions about quality, and to quantitatively evaluate the price of furniture (Silva, 2009).
Another challenge that Haverwood faces is deciding whether or not to combine sales efforts after a current merger with a furniture company named Lea Meadows Inc. This is a great prospect to seal in a gap within its merchandise mix. Furthermore, Haverwood already hires a team of ten full time sales representatives who gets a yearly salary plus a slight commission. Lea Meadows employs fifteen sales agents to represent its merchandises, who were waged five percent commission of remaining company sales. Their sales agents also represented noncompeting furniture companies. The challenge existing is determining whether or not to combine sales efforts or to offer one sales team the upholstery line (PDC, 2009).
This trade has many different divisions that form as a whole. A few of these sections are sellers, manufacturers, and raw material producers. A pronounced deal of the raw materials is brought in from diverse nations in order to keep persistent on quality and cost. Some of the furniture companies have decided to subcontract different process in order to be cost effective. The furniture industry depends on diverse financial circumstances which may directly influence a consumer’s buying power (Rodrigues, 2008)





Baby, or infant, formula is basically a manufactured product which acts as a replacement for the breast milk. Baby milk is often sold in form of powder or liquid concentrate which is further diluted with water to be fed through the milk bottles. Asia is considered to be one of the biggest market for baby milk powder product, this can be estimated by the fact that Asian market represents 53% of the global market share. In this regard, Hong Kong market is also considered to be one of the major consumers of the baby milk powder. In recent years, shortage of baby milk powder product has resulted into imposition of restriction on how much of this product can be taken out of region and to mainland China. Recent scandal of baby milk powder product in mainland China, where melamine was found in the baby milk formula has resulted into shortage of product in Hong Kong, since major amount of baby milk powder has been exported to mainland China.
Over a period of time, consumption of baby milk powder product has increased significantly. There can be multiple reasons behind this trend, but it is also important to analyse the consumer behaviour of the end customer in Hong Kong. It is essential to understand the behaviour, as it will enable the companies which are involved in selling of this product in Hong Kong to customize their offering , and according decide the pricing and promotion strategy. Purpose of this dissertation is to critically analyse the consumer behaviour and overall market culture which impacts the decision making process of a consumer before purchasing a baby milk powder product. Consumer behaviour often includes study of individuals, or groups so that their basic psychology behind buying a specific product can be analysed. This dissertation will also focus on same aspect. It will analyse various cultural and social aspects which might be impacting an individual’s decision related to buying the baby milk powder product.



理疗有更广泛的影响保健比其目前的战略应用。在老年护理的背景下,物理疗法被认为是增加流动性和提高健康素质(福斯特等人,2014)。此外,理疗减少具体疾病如老年痴呆症和骨质疏松症的疾病进展中起着很大的作用(christofoletti et al.,2008;Turkiewicz,et al,2014)。
研究问题的文献综述的基础上,制定的意义,促进老年保健理疗干预意识”。物理治疗的干预效果是相当不同的,包括改善流动性,减少术后不良(斯万德森et al,2014)和更多的。文献综述将提供对理疗干预影响的文献综述。正在研究的问题是:如果治疗干预可以增加有益的健康结果在老年保健?在研究问题中解决的有益健康结果是1)增加遵守医疗咨询和保健计划,2)增加流动性,3)减少术后护理,4)减少住院时间和5)减轻疼痛。


Physiotherapy has wider implications for health care than its current strategic applications. In the context of aged care, physiotherapy is seen to increase mobility and improve healthy quality (Foster et al, 2014). In addition, physiotherapy plays a big role in reducing disease progression for specific health ailments such dementia and osteoporosis (Christofoletti et al, 2008; Turkiewicz, et al, 2014).
Research Question
The research question formulated for the literature review is based on the significance of ‘Promoting Awareness of Physiotherapeutic Interventions for Aged Care’. The interventions effects of physiotherapy are quite varied, encompassing improved mobility, reduced postoperative disabilities (Svendson et al, 2014) and more. The literature review will provide a summary of literature on the effects of Physiotherapeutic interventions. The research question that is being addressed is: If therapeutic interventions can increase the beneficial health outcomes in aged care? The beneficial health outcomes addressed in the research questions are 1)increased adherence to medical advice and health care plans, 2) increased mobility, 3) reduced postoperative care, 4) reduced time of stays in hospitals and 5) reduced pain.
Research Protocol
A system research review protocol is employed here. The Systematic literature review steps should begin with formulation of research question and defines search strategy, inclusion criteria and more (Secondary Studies & Systematic Literature Reviews, 2014). The research question is presented as a separate section in report.








Reference Management Software are referred to as the packages of software that provide help to the authors building a library or referring by the details being entered of every reference, which is done by following a format which is well in structure and appropriate (East 2011). Majority of the packages are known for supporting way to import the records from different catalogues of library and other sources of bibliographic data in order to enable the facilitation for generating the references. In addition to these, most of the packages are also known for offering add-ons or plug-ins for software of word processors which provide help to authors in inserting references from their library through a direct mode within a document on which they are working or writing.

There are various different types or categories of packages for reference management software that can be utilized for the management of details related to bibliography. These documents can be found in the duration of an individual’s research, degree or thesis. In the section where these notes or references are provided, it is important to understand that there are differences in two main criteria; namely, website which is hosted centrally and web based. As there are different criteria of different types of packages having a different method of performing the task, this report will be focusing on the impact of EndNote on businesses. Further ahead, comparison will be done between Endnote, Cotavi and Docear. The comparison will be done on the basis of several aspects related to this context.


EndNote is a commercial package for the software of reference management, which is utilized for the management of references and bibliographies when any kind of essays and reports are written (Cronin 2011). The production of this software had been initiated by Thomson Reuters. There are a number of ways that can be chosen for adding a reference into a library: manually, importing, exporting, replicating from a different library of EndNote that initiates a connection between the other EndNote.









In the year 1999, on 1st January, was the first day of Al Jazeera for broadcasting for straight 24 hours. This had resulted in tripling the employment in a single year for 500 employees. This particular agency had managed to connect bureaus in a number of sites spread across Russia and EU (Stone 2010). It has been estimated that the annual budget of the channel was approximately $ 25 million in that particular duration of time. However, in certain controversies, Al Jazeera started to become one of the highly influential agencies of news within the particular region at a very fast pace. The Arabs started to become dedicated audience and were always eager enough for news from across the official version of situations and events. Currently, this particular channel is known to available all across the globe by a number of systems of cable as well as satellite. However, initially a brief overview of both of the channels will be provided. The launch of the satellite channel Al Jazeera was done in the year 1996 on 1st November (Schiller 2012). This satellite channel had been launched as the BBC in Arabic language was closed. The channel had been initiated by the Government of Saudi in an attempt for suppressing information that included report on graph as well on prominent views of dissidence and executions.

Overview of BBC

BBC channel is one of the most renowned channels which gathers news and broadcasts it on a major level letting the world know of the major current affairs (Kohler 2010). The department of this organization consists of various sections and all these sections are dedicated towards providing the best framed news. In addition, the focus of the complete team is on capturing the exclusive reality.


Research Question

To identify the dominant frames of news and the values of news developed through coverage of the channels Al Jazeera and the coverage of BBC in the countries such as Pakistan and China (Schiller 2012). The emphasis in this critical analysis is laid down on analyzing the critical creative thinking these channels implement while providing their coverage in the respectively chosen countries such as Pakistan and China.