

现在根据皮亚杰理论,从婴儿到年轻人的发展阶段有固定的终点(McGarrigle and Donaldson, 1974)。感觉运动阶段是从出生到两岁。在此状态之后,婴儿从2-7岁进入术前年龄,然后进入具体的手术阶段,然后进入正式的手术阶段,也就是11岁到成年。在这种情况下,儿童处于具体的操作阶段。具体操作阶段是孩子在这个年龄能够逻辑地连接对象和事件并保存数量的阶段。孩子还可以进一步对对象进行分类等等。守恒是孩子们的一种理解,当他们相信事物在数量上可能和在数量上是一样的,即使它的外观发生了变化,比如质量和体积。它们学会了保存液体、数量和年龄。他们能推理,但不能进行假设的思考。



Now according to the Piaget theory, the stages of development from infants to young adult have fixed endpoints (McGarrigle and Donaldson, 1974). The sensorimotor stage is from birth to two years of age. After this state the infant enters the Preoperational age from 2-7 years and then the concrete operational and then the formal operations stage which is 11 to adulthood. The child in this context is in the concrete operational stage. Concrete operational stage is where the child will be able to logically connect objects and events and conserves number at this age. The child can furthermore classify objects and more. Conservation is the understanding that children have when they believe that things might still be the same when it comes to quantity as in numbers even if the appearance of it changes, such as mass and volume. They learn to conserve liquids, numbers and also age. They can reason but would not be able to think hypothetically.

Now in the case study it is seen that in the science class students learn about the weather where they study rain patterns by recording rainfall data which they do with a gauge. Their knowledge on conserving water would help them understand how to translate the water levels into numbers of measurement. This is a useful exercise and satisfies the Piaget expectation on developmental help at this stage. A critique on Piaget as understood from a study devised by McGarrigle and Donaldson (1974) was that children might actually conserve at a very early age. Children need not be in the concrete operational stage in order to conserve. Then if a child in Ann’s class was able to conserve from a very early age the child would have gotten bored very easily. However, Ann’s class combines conservation with other tasks and hence would keep the children engaged.



也可能有肤浅的同理心的例子,一个人支持一项事业只是为了社会,而不是因为他们对这个问题的真实感受。第三个论点可能是,过度的网络互动是否让我们比以往任何时候都更孤独,导致成年人对网络约会的渴望,以及儿童行为的转变。由于如今的普通人在facebook上的互动比现实生活中的互动要多,因此爱上一个网络形象并不奇怪。大量研究表明,尽管世界掌握在我们手中,但我们现在比以往任何时候都更加孤独,这可能进一步助长了网上约会的需求。根据Fuchs(2013)。,儿童的行为也发生了相当大的变化,因为网络互动也没有逃脱他们的影响。他们没有出去和朋友们一起玩,而是在facebook上玩开心农场。由此产生的行为变化可能是强迫性行为、焦虑、低自尊、懒惰、情绪波动等(Lifehacker.com, 2016)。




There may be cases of superficial empathy as well, where a person supports a cause just for the sake of society, and not because they genuinely feel for the issue. The third argument can be whether excessive online interactions are making us lonelier than ever before, resulting in cravings for online dating among adults and behavioural shifts in children. Since an average person today has more facebook interactions than real-life interactions, falling in love with an online presence is not seen as weird. Plenty of studies have revealed that we are lonelier today than ever before in spite of having the world in our palms, which perhaps fuels the need for online dating even further. According to Fuchs (2013. p.56), considerable behavioural shifts among children are also seen since the web of networked-interactions haven’t escaped them either. Instead of going out and playing with their friends, they can be seen playing Farmville on facebook. The resultant behavioural changes may be obsessive behaviour, anxiety, low-esteem issues, sloth, mood-swings, etc (Lifehacker.com, 2016)

The influence of media on culture, and vice-versa, is profound. Analysis and significance of the cultures surrounding these practises can provide really interesting insights into these practises. According to Good (2013., p.560) social media is a very powerful tool for bringing about changes in trends among the masses, as it does not take long for an ‘online trend’ on facebook to transform into an ‘offline trend’. A considerable portion of our everyday lives is spent in the virtual world, which makes it not-so-surprising that it’ll also reflect in our interactions in the real world. Similarly, the culture that we are a part of directly affects our online activities too. In most of the current social protests the world over, for example, social media platforms like facebook have played a very pivotal role. In the modern times, LGBTQ awareness, awareness about feminism and women’s rights, climate change, other social causes too, have increased manifold times.



Paap, & Katz(2004)指出,当今的组织需要警惕破坏性技术的潜在影响。消费者中存在着一种矛盾的“二元论”,即使是结构最严密、组织最严密的企业也会受到二元论和消费者需求增长的影响。即使是在现有市场上,对更新的创新产品也有持续的需求,而且现有市场上对更新的产品也会有持续的需求。企业可以通过不断分析产品生命周期和消费者需求来克服这一挑战。这些是破坏性创新的理论。这些都是发展创新的宝贵之处。有人批评说,这些理论没有涉及产品商业化所需的所有重要变量。这些理论中存在着一定的缺陷,我们将在下面进行讨论。

围绕克莱顿•克里斯滕森(Clayton Christenson)观点的一个核心批评是,这些公司往往非常重视颠覆性创新的概念,而不把本地化因素考虑在内。在大公司的情况下,经理们倾向于开发同质的方法,而不是为所有人开发产品。这本身可能是一个问题,因为在创新的情况下需要采取一种全球本土化的方法。颠覆性创新的一般理论倾向于基于成熟市场的同质方法。这就导致了品牌与消费者的异化。应该有一种增加当地文化的方法。这可以通过增强一个地方的局部敏感性来实现(Robertson, 2012)。同样,应该考虑的是,这种本地化应该具有适应性,因为公司不能仅依靠特定于本地的策略来维持(Christenson, 2013)。


Paap, & Katz (2004) state that the organizations of today need to be wary of the potential impact of disruptive technology. There is a paradoxical “dualism” that exists in the consumers and even the most structured and organized companies will be impacted by the effects of dualism and growing consumer needs. There is a constant need for newer innovative products even in the existing markets and there will be a constant need for the newer products in the existing markets. This challenge can be overcome by companies continually analyzing their product life cycle and analyzing the consumer needs. These are the theories that have been put forward for disruptive innovation. These are very valuable points when developing innovation. It has been criticized that these theories do not address all the important variables that are required for commercialization of the product. There are certain gaps in these theories which will be discussed in the following.

One of the central criticism revolving the arguments made by Clayton Christenson is that the companies tend to give a lot of importance to the notions of disruptive innovation and not factor in localization. In this case of larger companies, the managers tend to develop a homogenous approach and do not develop products for all the people. This can be an issue in itself as there should be a glocalized approach that needs to be undertaken in the cases of innovation. Theories of disruptive innovation general tends to give focus to a homogenous approach based on the established developed markets. This causes alienation of the brand with the consumers. There should be an approach that added the local culture of the place. This can be achieved by enhanced local sensitivity of a place (Robertson, 2012). Again, it should be considered that this localization should be adaptable as companies cannot sustain with a locally specific strategy alone(Christenson, 2013).






One of the factors which may be related to the work climate and employee engagement is the communication. If the communication forms to be an important part of employee engagement, it can be used for the promotion of the employee engagement within the organization. One of the most important advantages which are associated with the social media is that it can help in establishment of effective communication and collaboration. And thus, it has the capacity to create the relationship between the employers and the employees. Therefore, it can also help in the engagement. In the recent times, there has been a change in the communication environment. This has led to the call for the new approach by having a greater emphasis on the creation of communities and content and establishing of the dialogue rather than the required amount of volume and channels. There may be an improvement in the employee participation by making use of the social media. It was indicated by Groysberg and Slind (2012) that there is a very collaborative approach to the leadership, which may prove to be a most important source for the improvement of the employee engagement and also for doing the alignment with the social media in the present world.

Martin, Reddington and Kneafsey (2009) also provided a large number of examples that may be related to the social media and its applications to some of the most important functions, which are the part of HR and the management of the people as a benchmark for having an effective listening to understand other stakeholders who are important for the organization. These also include the promotion of some of the social media forms such as the use of the employees’ blogs in a consistent manner, in order to have an authentic voice of the employee rather than to have the response regarding the attitude of the surveys. This ability of social media technologies and the mobile computing devices was reviewed by Murphy (2010) who founded that the social media also helps to facilitate and encourage the process of knowledge sharing amongst different employees. It has been analyzed by Murphy (2010) that there is a collaborative thinking and an interactive characteristic, which can be developed as a result of employee engagement through social media platform.








你可能觉得,不就是几份推荐信吗?可是,每个工作的人都很忙,再加上申请 MBA 的时间一般是年底,公司里的事情可能更多,还有,你可能不是唯一的一个要求这个人写推荐信的人,所以越早准备越好。

















The house had a new addition of a garden in the west side, and few steel support being added for conserving the designs of the past disproving the permanence of modernity in architecture. The old house being converted into a more stable structure shows that modernity does not remain confined to the buildings termed as modern architecture, but just using the underlying principles of the theory to re-establish the sole purpose of durable and simplistic design standards. Xin and Jun argues that the designs of modern architecture does not only represent the construction but also the social and spatial aspects of life, leading on to assume that the changing nature of social life is directly proportional to the changing nature of the concept of modernity in modern architecture. Wonda and his colleagues argues that in the development of modern architectural designs, owners and designers look for urban tools for automatic building modelling or fast construction to adjust with the changing environment, which are very labour intensive and are prone to succumbing to overlapping of design standards of multiple influences. In addition, while designing a modern building, the visualization of traffic, vehicular and human movement, and the aesthetic appeal of the building are difficult to engrave into the actual building design as the end product.

Thus, with the change in the interpretation of the external environment which is adjacent and always influencing the building design, there can be no permanent stability of modernity in modern designs. Because external environment is never consistent and permanent, but plays its influencing role in shaping the conception of modern designs in the architectures mind. The tools of developing a modern building will keep on changing with continuous research about using simple technology to enhance productivity and reduce outgoing costs, and thus the way the modern designs are built will also mould according to the availability of tools. Modernity in architecture designs is not constant, but variable and keeps changing with time, and redefines the fundamental concept of modern architecture. This is evident by the periodic use of newly invested tools and essential apparatus in modern buildings to keep itself within the definition of modernity.



Boom!Booooom ! !Boooooooommm ! ! !门继续砰砰地响着。我的手和腿开始颤抖。由于害怕,他的喉咙几乎哽住了。我不能提高我的声音,甚至不能移动。有那么一刻,我以为那将是我生命中的最后一刻。“亲爱的天使,把门打开。”一个声音传来。我想开门。我对自己说:“主会在你害怕的时候来帮助你。”我感到一点平静。我慢慢地站了起来。Boooommmm !你不能把门打开吗?你在那里做什么?另一个声音传来,可能是我母亲的声音。我慢慢地走到门边。我看到有人多次试图开门。我终于把门打开了。我看到三张脸在看着我——我的母亲、祖母和戴夫。我妈妈因为我开门晚了而生我的气。



Boom! Booooom!! Boooooooommm!!! The door continued to be banged. My hands and legs started shivering. Throat had almost choked out of fear. I couldn’t raise my voice or even move. For a moment, I thought that is going to be my last moment in the life. “Angel dear, open the door”, came a voice. I wanted to open. I said to myself, “Lord will come and help you whenever you are scared”. I felt little calm. I slowly got up. Boooommmm! Can’t you open the door? What are you doing there? came another voice which could probably be my mother’s voice. I slowly walked and went close to the door. I saw that someone tried to open the door multiple times. I opened the door finally. I saw three faces watching me – my mother, grandmother and Dave. My mother was angry on me for opening the door late.

Dave was giving me a sarcastic look. Grandmother was feeling upset on seeing my face. Where did grandmother come from? Dad said she is not keeping well and I can’t see her anymore in our house. How did she come? Am I dreaming? Questions pooled in my mind with no answers. Suddenly, my grandma caught my hands and pampered me. I was feeling a little relaxed. “Grandma, how are you? How did you come?”, I asked to grandma. She smiled but did not answer anything. Immediately came another voice which was my father’s. He entered into the house with a bright face. “Hey Angel, Dave, Kath and my mom, we have a surprise party tonight by our uncle Peter. Let’s get ready”, said my dad rapidly walking to his room to change his attires and getting ready for the event. I did not understand what’s happening around me.

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

澳洲是一个很热门的留学国家,因为它的教育特色和教育质量是有目共睹的,也是吸引的量国内留学生的主要原因,所以在申请留学的材料中,study pian是必不可缺的一项,他对申请留学成功有很重要的作用。


这部分内容就是使馆人员了解你出国的动向了,在准备申请英国留学的材料之一study plan时,留学生都会产生这样或是那样的困惑,那么怎样准备study plan才是最有效的呢?英国留学study plan是留学英国必不可少的一项工作,一份优秀的英国留学study plan能为申请者整个的留学生涯增分不少。


study plan中包含有很多具体的写作内容,而且每一内容都有其相应的写作要求。

澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作



在书写study plan有一点是必须着重强调的,那就是具有说服力的学成归国的计划,不能透露出任何英国留学之后移民的倾向。


澳洲代写硕士论文:study pian的写作

study plan是每一位英国留学生所必须准备的申请材料之一,会给申请留学的成功与否带来不小的影响。为了能提高申请通过的概率,在study plan的创作过程中一定要对其中的要点内容重视起来,避免一些创作中的雷区,使得study plan发挥最大的作用。

以上的内容就是留学study plan的方式,在写作留学计划书的时候,在引言过程中,如何利用写作重点内容,写作的方式来写作,希望本篇内容能够帮到同学们。







Further, it is also important to have the third party content which must be there on the website in order to have the terms related to the usage. In case there is then link for the third party advertisers or different product providers, it is important that all the liabilities should be disclaimed. It is important not to inherent any liability. It is important to instantiate the proper quality assurance and quality control plan so as to check and review the different components related to the data management. This is a step which is the part of the documentation related to accomplishment of different tasks. For the management, it is important to create a plan for the implementation of the new changes. All the assets of the application must be reviewed before compiling so as to avoid all types of conflicts, errors and other data problems. When the same are associated with the data and the metadata, these documents helps in providing a proper picture of the content of the dataset.

The plan for the quality assurance may include the following:The check on each and every technique used for the creation of the new and the different pinnacle apps and website, on the different environments on which the applications and software can run successfully, the processes which can be implemented in the applications and the software. In addition to this, it is important to ensure that there is a similar outcomes between different datasets.It is important to provide the mechanisms which can be used for the comparison related to the datasets against the provided measurable to alert any of the differences if they rise. These are the differences which may create a possible conditions since one or more data sets (2010).One efficient way in which the data set can be created efficiently is by having the automation with the help of the script macro, or to have a standalone program. In addition to the creation of the documentation, automation will be helpful in creation of the error checking and reviewing of the tasks which may be repeatable. This is helpful for the researchers to develop a proper Quality Insurance Plan for Pinnacle Company.






They make use of web analytics, they make use of social networks generation of sales versus the number of clicks on social media and more to understand it. Both consumer trade oriented and individual brand oriented research have been carried out on the topic and companies constantly endeavor to improve. Now this research study attempts to present the impact of brand on consumer behavior with respect to two companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi in a comparative way. Now Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink company which is being produced by the Coca-Cola Company based out of Atlanta in Georgia. The company was introduced in the year 1886 and was introduced as primarily a form of medicine company which later went ahead to diversify its products. The company is one of the international best seller when it comes to soft drinks and is sold all over the world. The company comes in many flavors as well and is one whose operations and more are internationally placed. Now when one considers the strong competitors of Coca-Cola, the drink that comes immediately to mind is that of Pepsi. Pepsi is a strong contender for Coca-Cola.

It is produced and manufactured by the company PepsiCo and is a soft drink cola, too. It was developed in the year 1983 and was developed as a drink right from the moment of inception. It was sold as Brad’s drink initially and it was given its brand name later as Pepsi Cola and later Pepsi. The Pepsi company and the Coca-Cola company are both famous for their intense rivalry. They are aggressive marketers and are seen to have had many challenges and competitive scenarios in their home base of the United States and internationally. In addition to drinks such as Sprite and others, these drinks enjoy their own consumer segment which they try to retain and as well attempt to reel in the newer target segments. The fundamental way in which these companies connect with their customers will hence create a much bigger brand favorable map in the mind of the consumers engaging them.