




The psychologist Victor Frankl once said, “death itself is what makes life meaningful.” How does death give meaning to our life? By having a limited amount of time to live, it motivates us to live our lives more fully, Frankl suggests (Does death give meaning to life, August 2015). So, an immortal life would refer to procrastination and no motivation to pace things as one would want to but not do so knowingly that he could always do the tasks later as there will always be time and it can never escape. But some may say, they can never achieve their goals until they live their life forever so can there be life goals that can only be achieved by the immortal, making the life of an immortal therefore meaningful as others might argue? Moreover, is it not true that humans tend to forget what happens in their past life, as they get older? Memory decay is human nature and it will remain to exist, if mortal or immortal.
So in that case, is it not safe to say that immortal humans will forget what desires they have accomplished and so they could continue to be more existed and motivated in life to move ahead and maybe achieve the same desires all over again. Even if immortals could not fully forget that they had actually achieved those desires, they would tend to forget what those achievements really felt like. So the concept of not having categorical desires if you are immortal would not apply here and therefore weaken the premise. William’s argument also implies that a person would cease to exist once his categorical desires have been attained, but a mortal being could achieve the categorical desires and then begin to develop more of those during that same lifetime (To feel meaningful is to feel immortal, November 2014) . So would that then mean that a mortal being could too have a meaningless life even by being blessed with death? And what about those who are never able to reach out to their categorical desires; were their lives therefore not meaningless since the beginning?