


There are 3 different cases addressed in this paper. Each case has its unique significance. The first case seeks to answer the need for maintaining tertiary level education as a qualification standard for workforces in hospitality sector wherein the demand of guests is in negative. With regard to this case, the aim was to explore the characteristics of a successful workforce in any nation’s hospitality sector. The next case was on SARS epidemic and the impact of this outbreak on the tourism industry of Hong Kong. The analysis involved the period of 2002 to 2003.
The last case discussed and analysed explored whether online travel agents or OTAs (used at some places in the paper as a short form) are complementary to hotels or are they a substitute. The scope remained in analysing how OTA disadvantages can be tackled to benefit maximum from OTAs. The solution given supports the perspective that OTAs are complementary especially when hotels do not completely depend on them.

Policy Implication: Workforce of any sector is essential as it not only helps in enhancing productivity but also helps in ensuring profitable sustainability. The case discussed the significance of Tertiary educational standards as qualification measure and the need for implementing such a policy. Educational standards help ensure that minimum skills and competencies of the workforce are at the least adding to the entire industry’s value. This will further help in satisfying the need of the customers whose demand in the case seems to be in negative.
SARS outbreak influence and recommendations: This case explored the influence of this outbreak over Hong Kong’s tourist industry. It was evident that the country had faced several losses in terms of its revenues. The declining tourist number over a period of 1 year made the pillars of Hong Kong tourist economy shake. The economy is still under enormous pressure and is looking for measures to come out of the situation. As a hotel owner operating under such crisis, the first measure adopted will be to offer value for the money taken by the people and reduce the price for a specific period. This will allow in enhancing revenues at least in the period where no revenues were generated.
Online Travelling Agents are known to most tourists and Australians are among the early adopters of these agencies in order to book their accommodation packages. Such a short way to reach any listed hotel has provided empowerment to the customer to select from a wide variety of pricing options and accommodation packages. The reduced cost is certainly a disadvantage for hotels when it comes to OTAs but by considering more distribution channels, this disadvantage can be dealt with. Hotels through the advent of OTAs have the benefit and will continue to benefit until they do not completely rely on them for enhancing their sales. Widening the customer base is essential for which social networking platforms and more discounting strategies should be considered for pushing the customer towards direct purchasing from the hotel.

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