
assignment 代写:CSR的定义

assignment 代写:CSR的定义

根据研究中已有的CSR定义,以及我对这些文章、媒体报道等的理解,CSR可以被定义为(用我自己的话来说)企业必须进行的活动,以抵消企业对社会和利益相关者的任何影响。然而,减少对社会影响的活动不必只限于企业对社会产生影响的程度。当企业试图做的不仅仅是抵消影响时,CSR倡议也可以作为战略来接受。在反对企业社会责任的案例中,认为企业有责任为公众利益而行动并从中获利的观点从根本上是有缺陷的(Karnani, 2010, p.1)。Karnani(2010)认为公司吹嘘他们为社会服务的努力。然而,私人利益和公共利益不能保持一致。事实上,正如Karnani(2010)所指出的,一些以CSR名义进行的努力直到这些努力也开始为公司带来战略利益时才开始。
研究人员表示,食品组织已经投资于更健康的低脂肪食品,汽车制造商已经投资于节油汽车等。然而,这些健康支持和可持续趋势的形式并没有变得普遍,直到公司意识到它们可以成为自己的一个有利可图的议程(Karnani, 2010)。Friedman(1970)实际上认为企业的社会责任是增加利润。如果企业试图将CSR包括在处理工会罢工等问题的过程中,将会遇到许多冲突(Friedman, 1970)。Donaldson & Preston(1995)和Freeman(1994)指出,所有利益相关者的利益对公司具有内在价值。然而,研究研究和行业组织的报告表明,所有利益相关者,尤其是投资者,可能不会一致支持可持续发展和企业社会责任议程(联合国全球契约,2014)。

assignment 代写:CSR的定义

Based on the existing CSR definitions in research, and based on my understanding of these articles, media reports and more, CSR can be defined (in own words) as the activities that a business has to undertake in order to counteract any impact the business would have on society and stakeholders. However, the activities to reduce impact to society need not be restricted to only the extent to which the business has caused an effect on society. CSR initiative can also be accepted as strategy when the business tries to do more than just counteract the effect. In the case against the corporate social responsibility, the idea that companies have a responsibility to act in the public interest and will profit from doing so is fundamentally flawed (Karnani, 2010, p.1). Karnani (2010) contends that companies boast about their efforts to serve the society. However, private profits and public interests cannot be aligned. In fact, as Karnani (2010) points out that some of the efforts made in the name of CSR did not begin until those efforts started having strategic benefits for the company too.
Researcher states that food organizations have invested in healthier low fat food, and automakers have invested in fuel efficient vehicles and more. However, these forms of heath supporting and sustainable trends did not become common until companies realized that they could be a profitable agenda for themselves (Karnani, 2010). Friedman (1970) in fact argues that a business’s social responsibility is to increase its profits. There would be many conflicts encountered in the case of a business that attempts to include CSR for handling issues such as a union strike (Friedman, 1970). The interests of all stakeholders are of intrinsic value to the corporation as Donaldson & Preston (1995) and Freeman (1994) point out. However, research studies and industrial organization reports suggest that all stakeholders, especially investors might not be aligned into sustainability and CSR agendas (United Nations Global Compact, 2014).