

在assignemnt代写-社交媒体对组织和员工带来的好处中,社交媒体可以帮助组织发展竞争优势,从而获得新的人才。在社交媒体平台的帮助下,领导者可以帮助进行双向沟通。另一方面,员工也可以是自下而上的思想交流的一部分,也可以通过论坛和博客与其他同事进行互动。由于社交媒体应用程序允许组织的员工表达他们的关注,他们可以为组织内员工的参与度的全面提高做出贡献。Dahl, Lawrence和Pierce也讨论了在不同组织工作的员工为了产生想法和创新而增加使用社交媒体的情况。他们还建议,这也有助于提供一些无形的好处,包括改善内部流程,提高客户满意度和员工敬业度。Doherty向不同的人力资源专业人士提供了建议,认为社交媒体可能是人们最大和最重要的机会之一。社交媒体的另一个好处是,它帮助人力资源促进员工敬业度,增强内部雇主品牌。除此之外,它还吸引并保留了组织内一些最优秀的个人。接下来有关assignemnt代写-社交媒体对组织和员工带来的好处的内容分享给大家阅读。、

This has also provided the organizations to have a faster problem solving, reduction in the duplication of the efforts of the employees and the increase in the agility of the business and also brings the important benefits of some of the important employee engagement with the senior members who are the part of the workforce. In addition to this, social media also helps in the development of a competitive advantage for the organization in order to have the new talent acquisition. With the help of the social media platforms, the leaders can help in the two way communication. On the other hand, the employees may also be the part of the bottom-up exchange of ideas and can also interact with the other colleagues through the discussion forums and the blogs.
As a social media application allows the employees of the organization to voice their concerns, they can contribute to the overall improvement of the engagement of the employee within the organization. Dahl, Lawrence and Pierce (2011) also discussed on the increase in using the social media for the purpose of idea generation and innovation among the employees working in different organization. They also suggested that this can also help in providing a number of intangible benefits including the improvement in the internal processes, increase in the levels of customer satisfaction and also the employee engagement. Doherty (2010) provided an advice to the different HR professionals and suggested that the social media may prove to one of the greatest and the most significant opportunity for the people. A yet another benefit of social media is that it helps the HR to promote the employee engagement and enhance the internal employer brand. In addition to this, it also attracts and retains some of the best individuals within the organization.
Therefore, the benefits of the social media in the literature are being promoted strongly by a number of researchers. Though, there is some literatures which suggest that boosting the employee engagement through the use of social media portals may not actually lead to an increase in the communication, collaboration and engagement. There are many authors who have suggested that social media can be used for purpose of mirroring of the existing structure of power and politics, which may be within the organization and may not be able to do the transformation of communication in the organizations where the openness and trust is not important. Hodgkinson also believes that there may be a loss of control because of employee engagement in social media. Besides, he states that the technology may prove to be a medium to identify and build the trust. The organizations can’t have a sustained interaction through the social media which forms to be an important factor in the organization. Tapscott and Williams (2007) also observed that social media along with its sense of interaction can be a key factor in the creation of a completely collaborative environment.
Though, many researchers also agree to the fact that social media helped in providing the tools for engagement with the potential employees in future. Through the social media, one can have a significant impact in changing the nature of the process of recruitment by helping the recruiters to access the pool of passive job seekers through the online social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Miller-Merrell (2012) also understands the importance of the attractiveness of branding of the employer, which is promoted through the social media. And it also provides the large number of opportunities for the HR to get involved beyond the HR related tasks. Thus, the outcomes of the employee engagement through the social media can be a source of great interest for the people.

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