


乌尔里克服务交付模式被称为三脚凳模式。与现有的传统服务提供系统相比,情况明显不同。他们被认为是公司现有的人力资源理念的范式转变。它主要关注三个主要因素,即业务合作,共享服务和专业技术中心。商业伙伴被定义为企业与企业单位和客户自己合作的企业。 “人力资源业务伙伴关系是指人力资源专业人员与企业领导人和/或直线经理密切合作以实现共同的组织目标,特别是设计和实施支持战略业务目标的人力资源系统和流程”(CIPD,2014,p.1) 。


这个公司有一个统一的中心主题。这些企业应该激励员工进行变革,这也从外部来源带来新的想法。公司的努力是针对这个中心主题。与高层管理人员讨论后,人力资源团队发展了这个主题或愿景。 Ulrich,Younger和Brockbank(2008)认为,这种模式将需要形成一个新的能力。这是一名战略架构师,可能是来自人力资源团队的一名或多名嵌入式专业人员,他们为人力资源服务的提供做出贡献。他们通过诊断,诊断后对资源的经纪和对进展的监控来确保战略目标的实现。


The Ulrich service delivery model is known as the three-legged stool model. It is starkly different when compared to the existing traditional service delivery systems. They are considered to be a paradigm shift in the existing HR philosophies that exist in the companies. It primarily focuses on three main factors which are business partnering, shared services and centers of expertise. The business partnering is defined as the companies venture to partner with the units of businesses and the customer themselves. “HR business partnering is a process whereby HR professionals work closely with business leaders and/or line managers to achieve shared organizational objectives, in particular designing and implementing HR systems and processes that support strategic business aims” (CIPD, 2014, p.1).


There is a unified central theme of the company. These ventures are supposed to inspire the employees for a change and this also brings in new ideas from outside sources. Efforts of the company are directed towards this central theme. The HR team develops this theme or vision after discussion with the top management. Ulrich, Younger and Brockbank (2008) suggest that this model will require a newer competence to be formed. This is the strategic architect, which could be one or more embedded professionals from the HR team who contribute to the HR service delivery. They do this through diagnoses, brokerage of resources after diagnoses and the monitoring of progress to ensure that the strategic objective is met.
There is also an importance given to outsourcing in this business model.  In shared services, this model allows the company to develop or outsource the services and product delivery. This enables the companies to efficiently manage the redundant activities. They reduce redundancy in this process.