


这首诗毫不费力地从孩子的世界视角转变为从接受到不断增长的爱与激情,并最终陷入分裂的痛苦中的不甘婚姻。读者可以从童年的喜悦,通过妻子最初的不适,直到他们的爱的成熟来看待这种关系。这首诗形象地描述了妻子对丈夫的忠诚和坚定。这首诗描述了让她在情感上变老的痛苦等待。庞德结合了字母书写的对话自然性与大量接触心脏的图像。这首诗使用了“自由诗歌”技巧。这首诗没有任何一致的节奏模式。诗人制定了自己的规则,创造出一种中国风格的音乐,节奏和美感。自1915年出版这首诗以来,这首渴望可能与第一次世界大战后的情感后果有关,尽管诗中没有注意到军事角度。河商的妻子对丈夫的渴望与所有那些以同样的恐惧和焦虑等待士兵的女性的渴望完全相似(Fang n.pg.)。

这首诗描述了悲伤和爱的深度和痛苦。这首诗讲述了一个男人和一个女人之间的关系如何在这个过程中绽放出深深的爱意。 Ezra Pound在使用图像和翻译方面做了大量工作,这些读者通过无罪,爱情,喜悦,悲伤和悲伤的情感旅程。庞德的翻译是现代主义的,因为他们预测跨文化的人类经验的统一性。最后,“河商之妻 – 一封信”是值得称赞的文学作品,让人们深入了解人类的情感,让人们认识到我们世界上亲人的重要性。


The poem shifts effortlessly from the child’s perspective of the world to an unwilling marriage from the acceptance to the growing love and passion and finally drifting to the sorrows of partition. The reader can view the relationship from the joy of childhood, through the wife’s initial discomfort until the maturity of their love. The poem vividly describes the faithfulness and constancy of the wife for her husband. The poem describes the painful wait which is making her emotionally older. Pound has combined the conversational naturalness of writing of the letter with the images which touches the heart profusely. The poem has used “free-verse” technique. The poem is not having any consistent rhythmical pattern. The poet had made his own rules to create a music, rhythm and beauty which have a Chinese touch. Since the poem was published in 1915, the longing could have a connection with the emotional consequences after World War I although no military angle was noticed in the poem. There is a stark similarity in the yearning of the river merchant’s wife for her husband with the longing of all those women waiting for the soldiers with the same fear and anxiety (Fang n.pg.).

The poem states the depth and distress of sorrow and love. The poem talks about the process through which a relationship blooms between a man and a woman resulting in deep love. Ezra Pound has done a tremendous job in using the imagery and the translation which takes the readers through an emotional journey of innocence, love, joy, sorrow and grief. Pound’s translations are Modernist as they project the uniformity of human experience across cultures. At the end, “The River-Merchant’s Wife-A Letter” is a commendable literary work which gives people a deep insight of human emotions and makes people realise the importance of the loved ones in our world.