




该研究人员对2008年10月至2009年2月期间在富时100指数(FTSE 100)成分股公司的股价进行了分析。总的来说,可以得出的结论是,问题资产回购计划主要对巴克莱(Barclays)、劳埃德银行(Lloyds)、英国对外银行(里约热内卢. Tinto)等金融机构产生了影响。然而,这种影响在本质上是有选择性的。因此。汇丰银行的股价没有改善。然而,它也对英国石油等石油组织的价格产生了负面影响。因此,根据设定的假设,研究者拒绝了零值,因为观察了对股价的影响,选择了替代。在整个研究中,研究人员已经讨论了英国的问题回购救济计划。为了保持一致性,研究者使用了一些重要的相关模型和理论。第二章研究了股利估值模型、股利折现模型、戈登增长模型、资本资产定价模型。


The Impact of Troubled Asset Repurchase Programme on firms in the UK is the pivot of this study. Hence, the focus has been given upon the assessment of the influence of this programme, on the stock prices of financial institutions in UK. The researcher has therefore introduced the background of the study, where the programme has been detailed with its effects and reasons. This second chapter of research dissertation is aimed to the construction of the conceptual framework. Hence, the researcher needs to converse about the reliable theories and models related to this dissertation study. These models and the theories will be helpful to estimate the several projection of the impact of the troubled asset relief programme. In order to discuss this chapter, it will be necessary to the researcher for the critical and empirical discussion of the relevant models and theories, which will in turn reflect to identify and evaluate the impact of the troubled asset relief programme of Barclays.The third chapter of the study focuses upon the main event Troubled Asset Repurchasing Programme by UK government, solely. Therefore, the researcher has described the event and its effects upon the stock prices in this chapter.

The researcher has taken the share prices of the companies listed in the FTSE 100 index for the period October, 2008 to February, 2009. In overall, it can be concluded that the Troubled Asset Repurchasing Programme mostly had influence over the financial institutions like Barclays, Lloyds, Rio Tinto. However, the impact was selective in nature. Therefore. Stock prices of HSBC had no improvement. However, it had also adversely affected the prices of petroleum organisation like British Petroleum. Therefore, as per the set hypotheses, the researcher has rejected the null as the influences over the share prices have been observed and the alternative is chosen.The overall research study, the researcher has been discussed about the troubled repurchase relief programme in United Kingdom. In order to make a consistency, the researcher has been used some important and relevant models and theories. In the second chapter, the researcher has discussed about the dividend valuation model, dividend discount model, Gordon growth model, capital asset pricing model.