


细分和定位对于公司来说非常重要。最有效的营销策略是企业成功的关键之一。这将有助于增加销量,盈利能力,市场份额,为公司提供更好的品牌形象。然而,一个企业的成功和发展涉及到几个因素。为了在全球竞争对手中生存并获得更多的利润和销量。这将有助于公司了解当前的问题和问题,以便他们能够采取必要的纠正措施(Mudie,P.,&Pirrie,A.,2012)。因此,进行SWOT分析是市场分析的重要内容之一。 SWOT分析不过是分析公司的实力,弱点,机会和威胁。通过这个,企业的业务运作水平将是已知的。



Segmentation and positioning is extremely important for the firm. The most effective marketing strategies form one of the backbones for the success of the business organization. This will support in the increased sales volume, profitability, market share, a better brand image for the company. However, there are several factors involved in the success and growth of a business. In order to survive among the global competitors and to achieve more profits and sales volume. This will help the company to know the current issues and problems so that they can make necessary corrective measures (Mudie, P., & Pirrie, A., 2012). Hence, doing a SWOT analysis is one of the significant elements in the market analysis. SWOT analysis is nothing but analysing the strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of the company. By this, the level of business operations of the firm will be known.

The company will be able to know where it stands high with the analysis of its strengths and where improvements need to be done, with the analysis of its weakness. Also opportunities and threats from the internal and external business environments can also be analysed (Leonidou, C. N., & Leonidou, L. C., 2011). This can help the firm achieve better focus on developing future marketing strategies. The pricing for this product is reasonable. These features will attract more customers from all over the world. Thereby, the company can improve its sales and profit volume. There will be more demand for this product as customers can choose different varieties of products according to their needs and preferences. Stage one is the baseline stage, second stage is the functional integration, third stage is the internal integration and fourth stage is the external integration. The impact of integration is different on every company still if the integration is successful then the company is expected to achieve market leadership.