


这清除了Barry O’Farrell和Greg Smith都隐藏了这个重点,因为他们是任命Campbell为法官的。还有人发现,罪犯托马斯·凯利是在第二个国王十字俱乐部的贝斯沃特路以外发现的,他在接近某人后认出了他,并说:“我发誓我今晚要打一个人”。在控制他的爆发。说了这些之后,还发生了很多袭击事件,其中包括马修·塞拉罗(Matthew Serrao)在脸的左侧拳击,撞上RhyseSaliba,亚丁·加齐(Aden Gazi)的拳头脸,然后杀死凯利(Curr et.al 2012)。

在2006年,新南威尔士州反对党领袖罗伯特·卡梅隆(Frank Cameron)的秘书在自由党Ku-Ring-Gai分会作为联邦法官提出了Barry O’Farrell。 Barry O’Farrell涉嫌任命Campbell为法官,O’Farrell也没有否认他称之为Philip Ruddock的总检察长并为此游说他。
关于这个案子还有很多事情要做,因为民进党上诉法院的判决有很多问题。当媒体工作被视为一起攻击司法失败时,这是很棒的。在报告澳大利亚司法机构的事件时,也尽可能地提供帮助(Williamson et.al,2013)。


This cleared the fact that Barry O’ Farrell as well as Greg Smith was hiding that emphasis as they were the ones to appoint Campbell as a judge. It was also found out that Thomas Kelly, the offender was found outside Bayswater Road on the second Kings Cross club where he approached someone and hugged him after recognizing, saying that “I Swear I am going to bash someone tonight.” This clears the unwillingness in controlling his outbursts. After saying this, there were a lot of assaults carried on which included Matthew Serrao punch on the left side of face, bump on RhyseSaliba, Aden Gazi’s punched face and then the murder of Kelly (Curr et.al 2012).
On the basis of all these above happening, it was clear that Mr. Loveridge was to be charged and proven guilty of murder. This was assumed by and agreed upon by the arresting police officers also. This questions the fact as to why was the manslaughter’s charge being negotiated by the DPP? It is not known whether it was done out of lethargy or an easy conviction.

In the year 2006, the secretary of NSW Opposition Leader, Robert Cameron presented Barry O’ Farrell at the Ku-Ring-Gai branch of the Liberal Party as a Federal Magistrate. Barry O’ Farrell was alleged regarding the appointment of Campbell as a judge and it was not denied by O’Farrell that he called the Attorney-General named as Philip Ruddock and lobbied him for that.
There is a lot to come regarding the case yet as there are a lot of issues being raised regarding the DPP appealing the judgment given by Campbell as a judge. It is great when the media work is seen together for attacking the judiciary failures. It is also encouraged for helping as much as possible while reporting the happenings of the Australian judiciary (Williamson et.al, 2013).