


本研究的目的是建立雅思口语和听力成绩是否反映台湾学生在英语口语高等教育环境中的互动能力。文献综述将涉及到的一些研究目标是关于识别台湾学生在英语学习环境中所接触到的继续高等教育中英语口语的形式。现有的关于英语学习环境对学生提高技能能力的意义的研究将会被识别出来。也讨论了他们在国外存在的机会或问题。在学习上有许多文化差异,对于来自不同国家的学生来说,他们对学习环境的反应可能不同,正如Ku & Lohr(2003)所指出的。


研究人员认为,中国学生在教学结构、解决问题的方式以及师生互动在大学中的定义等方面都会受到文化、个人和语言水平差异的影响。对于台湾学生来说,同样的文化解读也是可能的。特别是,学生在理解课程、记笔记、回答问题、写作等方面存在问题(Ku & Lohr, 2003年p.98)。在这些差异的背景下,了解学生在英国教育环境中所接触到的不同形式的英语用法,而不是继续教育以提高本国的雅思口语能力,将是一件有趣的事情。这种差异会带来好处,还是会给想要提高的学生带来更多的问题,这是这里要分析的一点。


The purpose of this research is to establish if the IELTS Speaking and Listening Scores reflect the Taiwanese Student’s ability to interact in English speaking higher education environment. Some objectives of research that will be covered in the literature review are with respect to identifying the forms of English speaking in continuing higher education that Taiwanese students are exposed to in an English study environment. The existing research studies on the significance of the English study environment on the student ability to improve their skills would be identified. The opportunities or the issues that exist for them in the foreign nation are also discussed as well. There are many cultural differences in learning, and in the case of students from different nationalities, the way they respond to the learning environment could be different as Ku & Lohr (2003) argue.

Researchers argue that Chinese students would suffer both cultural, individual and language level differences in the way their teaching is structured, the way problems solving are done or in the way student-teacher interaction is defined in the university. A similar cultural interpretation is also possible for the Taiwanese student. In particular, students are presented to have problems in understanding lectures, in taking notes, answering questions, writing and more (Ku & Lohr, 2003 p.98). In the context of these differences, it would be interesting to understand the different forms of English usages in the form of social interaction that the student is exposed to in the UK educational setting as opposed to continuing education towards improving IELTS speaking proficiency in their own country. Will the difference result in benefits or would it cause more issues for the student who wants to improve, is a point to analyse here.