




As per the data available of a survey of 2012 youth men aging 18 years were three times more involved in binge drinking in comparison to youth women that posed acute lifetime health risks in them. For Australian society binge drinking is the most prominent health risk for both long run and short run. It includes health problems related to anxiety and mood swings and even injuries caused due to chronic diseases. All these conditions affect the metal and physical health of the individual such as his ability to work and his active participation in family and community lives (Scholes‐Balog, 2012). As per the guidelines provided by NHMRC in 2009 it was found in 2012 that young boys were more involved in binge drinking in comparison to young girls ageing between 18 -27 years. It was also found that as women with increase in their ages decline the risky alcohol consumption.

Binge drinking involves heavy drinking which is above the recommended level of drinking for men and women on any occasion. As per a survey done on Australian secondary school students it was found that around 6.4% school students drink around four drinks in a day on an average.