

敘事可以被看作是一系列事件的鏈條,隨著它們在空間和時間上的發生而與因果聯繫在一起。一個敘述可以被認為是一個故事,即使它與故事的原則有些不同(Bordwell, 80)。在典型的意義上,一個敘述是由一個單一的情況開始的。有一些變化是按照效果和原因的模式發生的。在最後的設置中,可能會出現一個新的情況,以結束整體的敘述。一個人對故事的參與高度依賴於他們對穩定和變化的模式,空間和時間,以及因果關係的理解。所有這些組成部分都可以被認為是重要的敘述在大多數的媒體來源,但似乎有集中的時間和因果關係。

通過對事件的重大識別,可以從敘述中獲得意義,同時通過空間、時間和因果關係建立聯繫。在敘事中,每一個事件的集合,包括觀眾的推斷和明確的陳述,都傾向於構成這個特定的故事。整個故事情節的報導有時被稱為電影劇本(Hansen, 61)。作為一個重要的例子,當考慮電影中的一些場景時,在屏幕之外可以被認為是飲食,因為有一個假設,它們存在於全球,就像電影的設定一樣。在前面,情節被用來描述所有在電影中可以聽到和看到的事物。故事情節包含了每一個提供直接描述的故事事件。


Narrative can be referred to as a chain of a number of events in having link with causality along with its occurrence in space and time. A narrative can be considered as a story, even if it is somewhat different from the principle of story (Bordwell, 80). In the typical sense, a narrative is initiated by a single situation. There is occurrence of a number of changes in accordance with the pattern of effect and cause. In the final setting, there can be a rise of a new situation in order to end the overall narrative. The engagement of someone with the story is highly dependent on their understanding with respect to the pattern of stability and change, space and time, and causality. All of these components can be considered as significant to narrative in majority of the sources of media, but there seems to be a centralization of time and causality.

Sense can be made out of narration by the significant identification of its events, while creating a link by space, time, and causality. In a narrative, the set of each and every event, including both, the ones with inference of viewer and explicit presentation, tends to constitute this particular story. The entire coverage for the action of story is at times referred to as the diegesis of films (Hansen, 61). As a significant example when considering some scene from a film, off-screen can be considered as diegetic, as there is an assumption for their existence across the globe as depicted in the setting of a film. Further ahead, plot is used for describing everything audibly and visibly present within the film. The plots are inclusive of each and every story event providing direct depiction.