




Crane and Bovone (pg. 319) analyse the symbolic value of texts and their attachment to the material culture, the communication of the symbolic values associated with the material culture and its dissemination to consumers, and the consumers’ attribution of symbolic values to material culture. The authors’ note that the symbols and the attribution of meaning attached is targeted to attract more interest and desire from purchasers and not to identify a particular material or an immaterial culture. The sociology of fashion is directly linked with the sociology of consumption as it defines the very nature of societal functioning and the way consumers make known their desires of acquisitions. The authors point out the lack of sociologists to identify a consensus in reaching a universal value, which is a function of humans first and then about material objects. The question arises here about the motivation of people to attribute a meaning to the material culture and the actual underlying reason behind such actions. When sociologists will identify the reason for such motivation, the process of attribution and the changing meaning of people can be studied and identified giving clear indications of peoples’ attribution to material cultures.

Kac (pg. 1) brings in a new perspective about things and that is of the clones, the biotechnology led inventions and the internal organs of humans such as genes as being able to transfer and get utilised according to one’s wish. The biotechnology led inventions has experienced unprecedented growth and possibilities for art when genetically processed foods, and stuff is sold to society indicating an artistic attachment to the process of attributing genetic elements to the product of desires and what is being sought for by people. This however can generate possibilities of objectification of lives and a disregard of subjects and humans. Therefore as much as it brings more possibilities of attributing value to the new formed genetically inclined material culture, it also brings in more possibilities of degrading the importance of human life and how it ruins the very inherent value of humans. The author speaks about the minutest ingredients of the body being possible to externalise with selective chromosomes, selective genes, etc. The article has not provided solutions to the much hyped about advancement of technology which will destroy the intangible value of humans. This is bound to commodify the very existence of humans and their existence would be possibly traded.