

McKercher, B.(2002)在他們的研究中試圖了解旅遊市場的文化部分如何基於不同的維度做出選擇。為了理解這一點,作者建立了一個模型,並對模型進行了測試。研究發現,不同的文化旅遊要素需要考慮,其中5個要素表現出不同的離散行為。本作品定義中的文化旅遊者是指至少參加一項文化活動的人。因此,考慮到這種至少參與一項旅遊活動的情況,如果要了解遊客的細分情況,就會發現遊客的生活方式和體驗深度很重要。這與Kim等人(2007)較早提出的研究相似,該研究表明,生活水平和高檔生活將表明遊客更喜歡文化旅遊。除了生活方式,經驗的深度也會起到重要作用。所以一個文化遊客,如果曾經去過一個旅遊景點,他會願意去另一個文化景點。因此,這裡創建了一種關聯形式。因此,文化旅遊產品具有子類型,單憑一個要素不能完全理解。計算p值是為了了解相關係數的概率。在這種情況下,計算了研究中所有李克特風格問題的相關係數概率。
在5%的常規值下,如果P<0.05,則相關係數稱為有統計學意義。在這個上下文中,對於第一個語句,是否將事件作為轉義處理,可以確定p值大於0.39,因此不能接受該語句為true。在參與者表示他們參加活動只是為了和志同道合的人呆在一起的情況下,以及對活動感到滿意的情況下,也觀察到較高的p值。因此,在這些情況下,不能假定參與者給出的答案具有統計學意義。所有這些陳述的平均值表明,參與者的回答範圍從中立到同意。對於這樣的陳述,他們說他們參加這個活動是為了和朋友們共度時光,作為一種獨特的文化體驗,對於食物和葡萄酒的體驗,以及下一次參加展覽,參與者的回答在統計上是有意義的。現在多數參與者的年齡群31-40也大多數參與者的薪資範圍50 k到100 k美元和超過150 k美元,這個推斷可能是年齡和收入可能與尋找文化體驗。然而,需要更多的研究支持才能得出這一觀點。


McKercher, B. (2002) in their research attempt to understand how the cultural segment of the tourism market would make choices based on different dimensions. A model was developed by the authors in order to understand this, and the model was tested. It was found that there are different cultural tourism elements to be considered and five of them in particular presented varying discrete behaviours. A cultural tourist as taken in the definitions of this work is one, who would participate in at least one cultural activity. So given this participation in at least one tourist activity, if one was to understand the segmentation of tourists it was found that the lifestyles and the depth of experience of the tourist would matter. This is similar to the research Kim et al (2007) that was presented earlier, which indicated the level of living and the upscale life would indicate where a tourist would prefer cultural tourism. In addition to the life style, the depth of experience would play a major role. So a cultural tourist, who would have visited a tourism place, once would be willing to visit another cultural place. A form of association is hence created here. Cultural tourism products are hence seen to have sub types, and one element alone cannot be used to understand it completely.The P-value is calculated in order to understand the probability for correlation coefficient. In this case, the probability of correlation coefficient is calculated for all the Likert style questions that are in the study.
At a conventional value of 5 percent, if the P<0.05 then the correlation coefficient will be called statistically significant. In this context, for the first statement, whether the event was attended to as an escape, it was identified that the p value is greater at 0.39 and hence the statement cannot be accepted as being true. A higher p value is also observed in the cases, where the participant stated that they attended the event only to spend time with likeminded people, and in the case of satisfaction with event. So in these cases, it cannot be assumed that the answers participants gave would be statistically significance. The mean for all these statements show that the participant answers range from being neutral to agreeing. Now for such statements where they stated that they attended the event to spend time with friends, as a distinct cultural experience, for the food and wine experience, and for attending the show next time, participant answers are statistically significant. Now with majority of the participants are in the age group of 31-40 and also the majority of participants are in the salary range of 50k to 100k USD and more than 150K USD, an inference that could be made is that age and income could correlate with the search for a cultural experience. However, more research support is required to conclude on this viewpoint.
