


通常,自拍可以定义为一个人用智能手机、网络摄像头或平板电脑(如ipad)为自己拍摄的照片,然后通过Facebook、Twitter和Instagram等社交媒体分享。然而,个体不一定要在社交网络上分享自拍照,但大多数自拍者都是为了在社交媒体上与粉丝/朋友分享而自拍的(Senft&Baym, 2015)。从表面上看,自拍的概念似乎是有趣的、创新的、无害的。然而,随着时间的推移,社会上已经有了认真的讨论,以了解自拍的心理影响,尤其是对青少年。2013年,牛津大学将“Selfie”(自拍)选为年度词汇,这在某种程度上清楚地表明了这个词如今的流行程度,尤其是在12至28岁的年轻人中。本研究工作的核心课题是研究自拍及其对年轻一代心理的影响。为了理解这一点,首先要分析为什么自拍在年轻一代中如此受欢迎?即使今天,即使是英国首相、美国总统等世界领导人也会自拍,但这只是偶然事件,但与年轻一代相比,自拍的受欢迎程度无人能及(Franco, 2013)。

自拍的吸引力主要来自于它的创作和在不同媒体上的分享。如果近距离观察,自拍的行为会让人控制自己想要如何在朋友/粉丝面前展现自己,或者在全世界面前展现自己。美国流行歌手贾斯汀•比伯等年轻明星在Facebook或Instagram等网站上拥有数百万粉丝,甚至他们的一张自拍照也获得了数百万次浏览和分享。换句话说,自拍有助于以最好的方式,或者以你想要的任何方式,展现自己。痴迷自拍的另一个主要原因是科技的便捷。不像10年前,一个人必须拿起数码相机,采取特定的行动来完成拍照的过程。如今,手机拥有高分辨率的摄像头,大量编辑手机应用程序与社交网络手机应用程序集成。因此,当一个人想要点击自己的照片时,几乎不需要任何时间。换句话说,自拍对于年轻一代来说非常方便(Fausing, 2013)。这是青少年在一天中的任何时候分享自拍的一个主要原因。自拍基本上给了拍照的人自由,因为它依赖于任何人来拍照。


Typically a selfie can be defined as a photograph that an individual has taken of him/herself with a smartphone, webcam or tablet PCs such as iPads and then shared via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc. However it is not necessary that an individual might share the selfie on social networks, but there is majority of the selfie takers who take the selfie with an objective of sharing it with their followers/friends on the social media (Senft&Baym, 2015). On surface, concept of selfie seems to be fun, innovative and harmless. However over period of time there has been serious discussion going on in the society to understand the psychological impacts of taking a selfie especially on the teenagers. In 2013, Oxford recognised ‘Selfie’ as the word of year, which in a way clearly underlines the level of popularity which this word has taken today, especially among young people between age group of 12-28 years of age.The core subject of this research work is focused on the aspect of selfie and its impact on the psyche of young generation. In order to understand this aspect, it is first important to analyze that why exactly selfie is so popular among young generation? Even though today even world leaders such as Prime Minister of UK or president of US take selfies, but they are one off incidents, nothing can beat the popularity of selfie when compared to that among the young generation (Franco, 2013).

Appeal of selfie mainly comes from the ease of its creation and sharing on different mediums. If observed closely, an act of taking selfie, gives the person a control on how he/she wants to present himself in front of his friends/followers or for that matter whole world. Young celebrities such as American pop singer Justine Bieber have millions of follower on websites such as Facebook or Instagram, even their one selfie gets millions of views and shared as many time. In other words, selfies helps in portraying oneself in the best possible way, or in whatever way you desire. Another major reason for obsession with selfies is the ease of technology. Unlike time 10 years back when a person has to pick up a digital camera and take specific actions to complete a process of taking a photograph. Today, cell-phones have high resolution cameras, with numerous editing mobile application integrated with the social network mobile applications. Hence whenever a person feels like clicking a picture of themselves, it takes hardly anytime. In other words, selfie is highly convenient for the young generation (Fausing, 2013). This is one major reason behind teenagers sharing their selfies at any point of the day. Selfie basically gives freedom to the person taking it, in terms of dependency on any one to take a photograph.