


本文采用了一种简化的方法,并使用了二级数据源来制定本研究。从有效可信的文献出发,对若干研究进行了研究,重点收集与研究关键词匹配的数据。被调查的研究问题是“美国的跨国公司如何将其子公司的人力资源管理政策转移到英国?”为了研究这个研究问题,重点放在了理解各种制度因素的作用,以及这些因素之间的关系,以及一个虚拟组织的公司战略和结构。研究范围还包括就业制度等变量(Fenton-O ‘Creevy et al., 2008)。研究的局限性包括:没有进行面对面的访谈。给予关注理论从其他研究证据和证据可以禁止这些发现被广义的开创性研究以来.Ever钱德勒(1962)组织策略和结构,概念,组织需要有一致性和适合整个元素的组织构成巨大的组织理论与管理领域的研究策略。企业战略与结构之间的关系一直是许多研究者关注的问题。

由于企业战略目标与组织实施结构之间没有一致性和一致性,即使是最好的战略,管理者或结构也不会产生积极的结果(Edwards, 2015)。虽然在国际商业、战略和组织理论的文献中普遍认为,企业需要在其整个职能中建立一致性,但这类文献中所考虑的契合度在性质上并不相似。根据Ghoshal et al,(1993),这是观察到他所使用的方法和框架内的文学策略管理的趋势将更多的注意力集中在组织内部配合暗示公司及其结构的产品策略之间的关系在国际商业模式和解放组织理论往往将更多的注意力集中在组织的外部适应暗示结构之间的关系,过程和环境特征(McCann, 2014)。关于讨论中的虚构组织,必须采取若干适当措施,以便根据东道国和母国注重一致性的原则选择适当的战略和结构。


The paper has adopted a simplified approach and has used secondary sources of data for formulating this research. Several studies were researched from valid and credible articles with focus being laid on collection of data matching the research key words. The research question under investigation is that “How MNC from US can engage in transferring its HRM policies for its subsidiary expanding to UK?In order to study this research question, focus has been laid over understanding the various institutional factors at play and relationship between these factors along with the company strategy and structure of a fictitious organization. The scope has also remained in studying variables such as employment systems (Fenton-O’Creevy et al., 2008). The limitations in the study include: No face to face interview conducted. Focus given on theoretical evidence and evidences from other studies which can prohibit the findings from being generalized .Ever since the pioneering study by Chandler (1962) over the organizational strategies and structures, the concept that organizations require having consistency and congruency throughout the elements of organizations underlies vast research in the domain of organizational theories and management of strategy. Close attention has been paid by many researchers over the relationship between strategy of firm and structure.

As without the presence of congruency and consistency between strategic goals of a firm and the structure in organizations for implementing, such goals even the best strategy, and managers or structures will not result in producing positive consequences (Edwards, 2015). Though it has been assumed commonly across the literatures on international business, strategy and theory of organization that firms require establishing congruency throughout their functions, the kind of fit which has been regarded within such literature is not similar in nature.According to Ghoshal et al, (1993), it was observed by him that the approaches and frameworks being used within the literature of strategy management have a tendency of focusing more over organizational internal fit implying the relationship between product strategy of firm and its structure while international business models and liberation on organization theory has a tendency of focusing more over organization external fit implying the relationship between structures, processes and environmental features (McCann, 2014). With regard to the fictitious organization under discussion, several appropriate measures will have to be taken in order to choose the appropriate strategy and structure as per the host nation and home nation focusing over congruency.