


时间空间压缩不是一一天的现象,是一个连续的活动,由于日常的交通和通信技术的进步,需要更快的交通和通信手段。在目前的情况下,人类已成为科技社会的人类,并不局限于特定的时间和地点(Fauconnier,2000)。今天的人有时间在时间即可以很容易地uslitize 24小时以多种方式在空间与时间的压缩。例如,坐在在当地时间,如浏览器或终端数字意味着帮助任何地方,他们可以使用不同的时间和空间。多个地点的地区可以很容易地切换通过脸谱网,推特、短信、语音邮件等新,只需触摸一个按钮。不同的空间有不同的土著人,移民和社会和文化规范(5月,2003)自己的地理陈述。全球化有助于在社交网络中的虫洞的创作通过时空压缩。虫洞是通过电话了,通过电子邮件等文本,甚至有时无形的存在(Stein,2001)。时间空间压缩使人们的超链接和文本作为社会对象,有助于发展的个性与社会价值观。


Time-space compression is not a one day phenomenon and is a continuous activity due to everyday advancements in technologies of transportation and communication and need for faster means of transportation and communication. In present scenario humans have become techno-social humans that are not confined to certain place and time (Fauconnier, 2000). Today individuals have time within time i.e. they can easily uslitize their 24 hrs in multiple ways due to compression of time with space within space. For example, while sitting at any place within local timings and with the help of digital means such as browser or terminal, they can use different time and spaces. Geographies of multiple locations can be easily switched through Facebook, Twitter, SMS, new and voice mails etc. with just a touch of a button. Different spaces have their own geographical representations with different natives, immigrants and social and cultural norms (May, 2003). Globalization has helped in the creation of wormholes among social networks through time-space compression. Wormholes are created through phone calls, texts and even sometime invisible presences through e-mails etc. (Stein, 2001). Time-space compression is making people hyperlinks and texts are acting as social objects that help in the development of personalities with social values.
With the globalization of media and telecommunications, the distances for transfer of information has reduced, as the communication is more liquid at present and even the thoughts and ideas of different people have became more instantly traversed. Through globalization people of different nations with their cultures, economies and communities are getting interconnected at a faster rate (Green, 2002). In capitalist economies, global transformations are done at a unique but large scale in which considerable attention is laid on the social organizational changes in communication and information through media and telecommunications.
Electronic flaneur is in the capability of easy and long mobility and is not limited to the capacity of human body only for locomotion. The electronic flaneur helps in the occurrence of instant connections through the networked world and this overcomes the limitations of differences of physical distances. It is in a capacity of hypertext and hyperlink in a document (Boutin, 2012). With this ability of electronic flaneur the texts and images are codified and are transferred easily to the desired destinations which are having the similar associated phenomena for performing the desired task.