


近年来,人们一直担心新型僵尸网络的不断发展正在影响着诸如金融市场和军事等国家的关键系统。根据霍华德·施密特(Howard Schmidt)在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿举行的迈克菲公共部门峰会上的讲话。4月11日,根据有关僵尸网络的讨论,找出谁在这方面可以做什么以及将会造成什么样的损害。所以他建议让公私伙伴关系加强对这些僵尸网络的防御(Geers,2009)。与一家主要的服务提供商,搜索引擎和其他公司密切合作,全方位防御僵尸网络。他还承认,僵尸网络是一个动态的目标,随着时间的推移而演变。它正在对互联网构成威胁,如最近的苹果iCloud私人数据黑客以及索尼PlayStation网络黑客。

使网络安全方面更容易受到攻击的智能手机(如android)的快速使用和传播加剧(Reveron,2012)。移动设备的意外增长并没有受到威胁,用户在大多数时候都忽略了智能手机和威胁的潜力。僵尸网络的主要问题并未被发现,使得解决这些问题变得非常困难(Van Eeten et al。,2009)。僵尸网络自我传播的软件代码通过IRC服务器进行更新,并通过电子邮件或短信等代理传播到其他设备。澳大利亚政府的扫描器有几起涉及僵尸网络的案例,例如2006年,澳大利亚高科技犯罪中心(AHTCC)联邦调查后,一名22岁的墨尔本男子被指控与僵尸网络有关的活动警方,新州和维多利亚警方。


In recent times, it has been alarming concern over the continuous development of new botnets that are affecting critical systems for countries such as those of the financial markets and the military. As per Howard Schmidt speech in McAfee Public sector summit in Arlington, Va. On 11thApril 12 as per the discussion about botnets to find out who are behind this what they can do and what will be the damage. So he suggested engaging public-private partnership to enhance the defence against these botnets (Geers, 2009). To work closely with a major service provider, search engines and others to develop a defence against botnets from all fronts. He also admitted that the botnet is a moving target and evolving with the time. It is posing a threat to the internet such as recent apple iCloud private data hacks as well as Sony PlayStation network hacks.

To aggravate the scenario the rapid usage and spread of smart phones such as android which are more vulnerable in cyber security terms (Reveron, 2012). The unexpected growth of mobile devices has not been met with possessing threats, and the user does overlook the potential of smart phone and threats most of the time. The major problem with botnets goes undetected and makes really difficult to tackle the issues (Van Eeten et al., 2009). The botnet self-propagate software codes get updated through IRCs servers and spread themselves to other devices through agents such as emails or text messages. There are several cases of botnet related have come under scanner of Australian government such as case of 2006 where a 22-year-old Melbourne man had been charged with botnet related activities after a joint investigation by Australia High Tech crime Centre (AHTCC), Federal police, NSW and Victoria Police.