


理疗有更广泛的影响保健比其目前的战略应用。在老年护理的背景下,物理疗法被认为是增加流动性和提高健康素质(福斯特等人,2014)。此外,理疗减少具体疾病如老年痴呆症和骨质疏松症的疾病进展中起着很大的作用(christofoletti et al.,2008;Turkiewicz,et al,2014)。
研究问题的文献综述的基础上,制定的意义,促进老年保健理疗干预意识”。物理治疗的干预效果是相当不同的,包括改善流动性,减少术后不良(斯万德森et al,2014)和更多的。文献综述将提供对理疗干预影响的文献综述。正在研究的问题是:如果治疗干预可以增加有益的健康结果在老年保健?在研究问题中解决的有益健康结果是1)增加遵守医疗咨询和保健计划,2)增加流动性,3)减少术后护理,4)减少住院时间和5)减轻疼痛。


Physiotherapy has wider implications for health care than its current strategic applications. In the context of aged care, physiotherapy is seen to increase mobility and improve healthy quality (Foster et al, 2014). In addition, physiotherapy plays a big role in reducing disease progression for specific health ailments such dementia and osteoporosis (Christofoletti et al, 2008; Turkiewicz, et al, 2014).
Research Question
The research question formulated for the literature review is based on the significance of ‘Promoting Awareness of Physiotherapeutic Interventions for Aged Care’. The interventions effects of physiotherapy are quite varied, encompassing improved mobility, reduced postoperative disabilities (Svendson et al, 2014) and more. The literature review will provide a summary of literature on the effects of Physiotherapeutic interventions. The research question that is being addressed is: If therapeutic interventions can increase the beneficial health outcomes in aged care? The beneficial health outcomes addressed in the research questions are 1)increased adherence to medical advice and health care plans, 2) increased mobility, 3) reduced postoperative care, 4) reduced time of stays in hospitals and 5) reduced pain.
Research Protocol
A system research review protocol is employed here. The Systematic literature review steps should begin with formulation of research question and defines search strategy, inclusion criteria and more (Secondary Studies & Systematic Literature Reviews, 2014). The research question is presented as a separate section in report.