


每一个组织都有不同的股份持有人,这是重要的和最重要的组织取决于情况。外部和内部的利益相关者是存在的,它是组织的责任,以履行利益相关者的目标,因为该组织不能单独在市场上工作。在变化的过程中,重要的是组织映射的股份持有人,因为如果他们被忽略,在变化的过程中比组织可能面临的麻烦。股权持有人的影响被视为权力的四个要素,影响,利益和利益相关者对组织的影响。权力是利益相关者,在组织中具有决策权的相关(puyvelde,et al.。2012)。这些利益相关者可以是组织的最高管理者和组织中有最大份额的组织。有影响力的利益相关者是那些有一个积极的参与与利益相关的过程的变化。这种影响可以是积极的和消极的,取决于利益相关者和情况。被影响的股东集团是与变更过程相关联的组织的员工和领导者,因为他们的员工可以相信变化的过程。最后一组有影响力的利益相关者有能力改变项目的执行或对变化过程的影响(托马斯&哈,2011),这个利益相关者的网格管理与其他四个元素一样:
3 Low权力(感兴趣的人):这些股份持有人需要参与和沟通的过程中,因为这组如果在这个过程中重要的,如果他们被忽略,他们可以为未来创造问题。他们对项目的细节感兴趣,他们如何在变化的过程中投资。
4 Low权力(不感兴趣的人):这些利益相关者需要进行监控,但组织不应该浪费时间在这一组。外部的利益相关者,如社会或在社会中工作的工会,不关心在组织中进行的新技术或员工的内部变化。


Every organization has various sets of stake holders that are both important and least important for the organization depending on the situation. External and internal stakeholders are present and it is the responsibility of the organization to fulfil the objectives of the stakeholders because the organization cannot work alone in the market. During the process of change it is important for the organization to map the stake holders because if they are ignored during the process of change than the organization can face trouble. The impact of the stake holders are viewed on four elements of power, impact, interest and influence of the stakeholder on the organization. Power is related to the group of stake holders that have the decision making power in the organization (Puyvelde, et al. 2012). These stakeholders can be the top management of the organization and investors of the organization that have maximum share in the organization. Influential stakeholders are the ones that have an active involvement with the stake that is linked with the process of change. This influence can be positive and negative depending on the stakeholder and situation. The group of stake holders that are influence are employees and leaders of the organization that are associated with the change process and because of them the employees can be convinced for the process of change. The last groups of stakeholders that have the power of impact have the ability to change the execution of the project or impact on the process of change (Thomas & Hardy, 2011).This stakeholder grid is managed with four other elements like:

  1. High power (more interested people): these stakeholders must be fully engaged in the process of change because if their expectations are not fulfilled than the process of change can be impacted.
  2. High power(less interested people): these stakeholders like external stakeholders are not fully involved in the process of change depending of the level of change and can this change impact on the external stake holders. Example: if the company has planned to go for re engineering and for this reason they need to view the internal stakeholders and external stakeholders have the least interest in the process of change.
  3. Low power (Interested people): these stake holders need to be involved and communicated about the process of change because this group if important in the process and if they are ignored they can create issues for the future. They are interested with the details of the project and how can they invest in the process of change.
  4. Low power (less interested people): these stakeholders need to be monitored but the organization should not waste time on this group. External stakeholders like the society or the unions that are working in the society have no concern about the internal changes conducted in the organization about the new technology or employees.