


柔道是日本传统活动柔术的一种现代化形式。在1800年,日本有不同形式的柔术。柔道学的一名学员,吉戈罗·卡诺博士,采用了这种投掷和格斗的技巧,并进行了修改,使之成为一种更安全的技术。在22岁的时候,卡诺博士对柔术技术进行了全面的研究,他通过去除脚和手的一些有害的动作来改变活动,并增加了一些他自己的技术(柔道历史,2014年)。这一改革导致了一项新的运动柔道,这被称为Kodokan Judo博士(柔道之父)。
澳大利亚有许多俱乐部为训练有素的专家提供柔道训练,Taketani Judo Academy就是其中之一。Nao是该学院柔道教练之一。为了对澳大利亚的柔道有一个明确的看法,Nao第4名柔道黑带来自日本接受采访。Nao已经参加柔道26年,自2004年以来一直在训练人们。他曾在日本当过教练,现在是澳大利亚的教练。自2009年起,Nao一直在向澳大利亚人民教授Judo,并认为这是他生命的一个重要阶段。教练说,日本是柔道的鼻祖,在柔道上比澳大利亚有优势。练习是柔道最需要的,这是Nao的观点。柔道不能从书本上学到,人们必须练习掌握柔道的技巧。七年前,他在新南威尔士州参加柔道比赛的经历使他得出结论,澳大利亚柔道的范围非常小。


The sports Judo is a modernized form of the traditional activity Jujitsu form Japan. There were different forms of jujitsu that were practised by the Japanese by the year 1800. One of the learners of jujitsu, Dr. Jigoro Kano, adapted this technique of throws and grappling, and made modifications to make it a safer technique. At the age of 22 years, Dr. Jigoro Kano, made a comprehensive study of the jujitsu techniques, reformed the activity by removing some harmful actions like foot and hand strikes and added some of his own techniques (Judo History, 2014). This reformation resulted into the introduction of a new sport Judo, which was termed as Kodokan Judo by Dr. Kano (The Father of Judo).
There are many clubs in Australia that provide Judo training to the people from trained experts, and Taketani Judo Academy is one of them. Nao is one of the coaches of Judo in the Academy. To have an explicit view of Judo in Australia, Nao a 4th Dan Judo Black Belt from Japan was interviewed. Nao has been into the sports of Judo for 26 years, and has been training people since 2004. He has been a trainer in Japan, USA and is currently a coach in Australia. Nao has been teaching Judo to the people of Australia since 2009 and considers it to be an important stage of his life. The coach stated that Japan being the originator of Judo has a superior position in Judo than Australia. Practise is what is most needed in Judo, which is the opinion of Nao. Judo cannot be learned from books and one has to practise to grab the techniques of Judo. His experiences of training the Australian and a visit to a competition of Judo in New South Wales seven years ago made him conclude that the scope of Judo in Australia is very small.