


Paap, & Katz(2004)指出,当今的组织需要警惕破坏性技术的潜在影响。消费者中存在着一种矛盾的“二元论”,即使是结构最严密、组织最严密的企业也会受到二元论和消费者需求增长的影响。即使是在现有市场上,对更新的创新产品也有持续的需求,而且现有市场上对更新的产品也会有持续的需求。企业可以通过不断分析产品生命周期和消费者需求来克服这一挑战。这些是破坏性创新的理论。这些都是发展创新的宝贵之处。有人批评说,这些理论没有涉及产品商业化所需的所有重要变量。这些理论中存在着一定的缺陷,我们将在下面进行讨论。

围绕克莱顿•克里斯滕森(Clayton Christenson)观点的一个核心批评是,这些公司往往非常重视颠覆性创新的概念,而不把本地化因素考虑在内。在大公司的情况下,经理们倾向于开发同质的方法,而不是为所有人开发产品。这本身可能是一个问题,因为在创新的情况下需要采取一种全球本土化的方法。颠覆性创新的一般理论倾向于基于成熟市场的同质方法。这就导致了品牌与消费者的异化。应该有一种增加当地文化的方法。这可以通过增强一个地方的局部敏感性来实现(Robertson, 2012)。同样,应该考虑的是,这种本地化应该具有适应性,因为公司不能仅依靠特定于本地的策略来维持(Christenson, 2013)。


Paap, & Katz (2004) state that the organizations of today need to be wary of the potential impact of disruptive technology. There is a paradoxical “dualism” that exists in the consumers and even the most structured and organized companies will be impacted by the effects of dualism and growing consumer needs. There is a constant need for newer innovative products even in the existing markets and there will be a constant need for the newer products in the existing markets. This challenge can be overcome by companies continually analyzing their product life cycle and analyzing the consumer needs. These are the theories that have been put forward for disruptive innovation. These are very valuable points when developing innovation. It has been criticized that these theories do not address all the important variables that are required for commercialization of the product. There are certain gaps in these theories which will be discussed in the following.

One of the central criticism revolving the arguments made by Clayton Christenson is that the companies tend to give a lot of importance to the notions of disruptive innovation and not factor in localization. In this case of larger companies, the managers tend to develop a homogenous approach and do not develop products for all the people. This can be an issue in itself as there should be a glocalized approach that needs to be undertaken in the cases of innovation. Theories of disruptive innovation general tends to give focus to a homogenous approach based on the established developed markets. This causes alienation of the brand with the consumers. There should be an approach that added the local culture of the place. This can be achieved by enhanced local sensitivity of a place (Robertson, 2012). Again, it should be considered that this localization should be adaptable as companies cannot sustain with a locally specific strategy alone(Christenson, 2013).