



阅读丹佛·鲍彻(Daniel Boucher)和罗伯特·夏尔夫(Robert Sharf)的文本中关于佛陀的文本,改变了读者对雕塑感知的理解。由樱桃木,颜料和黄金制成的雕塑实际上变成了栩栩如生的东西。在一个中世纪的崇拜者的背景下思考,在应用丹尼尔·鲍彻(Daniel Boucher)的文本时,读者明白,在佛陀的涅架中,有必要向文物表示敬意。法老遗物不得不背诵,男人女人或者五群男人要么建立佛像,要么没有实力的话可能会贡献一些小的东西。在这里可以看到虔诚的佛陀构成文本所描绘的形象,并且在进行与这个佛像的配合的仪式时,据说一个人可以从苦难中解脱出来,这部分文本也可以被线性地理解为开始适用于这个雕塑。


The analysis of Śākyamuni Buddha as represented in the ‘sutra on the merit of bathing the Buddha’ and the ‘Scripture on the Production of Buddha Images’ is analyzed here. The object of a prayer or the object of devotion is no longer just an object itself; it becomes the manifestation of a living being. This essay argues that it is the rituals and the beliefs associated with the idol that gives life to the statues and ensures that tradition gets passed on.

Reading the texts on Buddha as represented in the texts of Daniel Boucher and Robert Sharf changes the reader understanding of the perception of the sculpture. The sculpture made of cherry wood, pigments and gold actually transforms into something lifelike. Thinking in the context of a medieval worshipper, when applying the texts of Daniel Boucher the reader understands that in the nirvana of the Buddha, it would be necessary to pay homage to the relics. The dharma-verse relic will have to be recited, and men and women or five groups of mendicants will either build an image of Buddha or when they don’t have the strength to do so might contribute something smaller.Here the Śākyamuni Buddha is seen to be structured the image of what the text describes, and in doing the ritual of batching with this Buddha sculpture, one is said to be relieved from suffering and this part of the text can also be linearly understood as begin applicable to the sculpture.