



裕元工人签署的协议与他们所承诺的条款并不相同。大多数工人认为他们与公司的协议是永久性的,然而条款表明这些协议是临时性的。因此,合同的合法性和议价协议条款也受到了质疑。其次,社会保险覆盖是一个问题。从2011年起,中国的立法要求员工享受社会保险福利,法律规定雇主为员工购买社会保险套餐(Lee, 2014)。该福利包括养老金、医疗保健、工伤、失业福利、生育福利等。在裕元,该工厂只提供少数福利,而非全部福利。据称,该工厂可能是在政府官员的某种形式的沉默批准下运作,以缓慢的方式提供福利,就像过渡的情况一样。政府对这些组织提供这样的批准是为了帮助它们在不遵守规定的情况下继续经营,因为这将保持外国直接投资的稳定。


The case that has been considered happened in the year 2014. It was an industrial action case involving strikes, disputes and collective bargaining. A two week bargaining strike went on between the workers of Yue Yuen shoe manufacturers and the company. Around 40,000 workers were involved in the strike. This is considered as one of the largest strike after the Honda strike that happened in China. Some of the issues that were highlighted in this strike and that were being bargained for were in the form of low pay issues, social security issues and also that of other security issues in the company. This is a growing trend in most Chinese organizations are presented. The lack of pay and security benefits are seen to be the problems of most factories of China and Yue Yuen is no exception (China Labour Bulletin, 2014). This strike ended in April. Some of the core issues in terms of social elements of the strike were that of the future of middle aged workers who had been with the company for more than 15 years at the least and who were challenged when it came to social security benefits. The strike was an immense one in that it involved different labor activists in the strike, workers, police, the local government and the trade union (China Labour Bulletin, 2014).

The agreements that the Yue Yuen workers signed were not the same clauses that they were promised with. Most of the workers believed the deal they had with the company was permanent, however as the clauses indicate these were temporary in nature. The legitimacy of the contracts hence comes into the question and also the bargaining agreement clauses. Secondly social insurance coverage was an issue. As of 2011 the legislation in China requires employees to have benefits of social insurance, and employers are mandated by the law to buy social insurance packages for their staffers (Lee, 2014). The benefits package covers from pensions, healthcare, workplace injuries, unemployment benefits, maternity benefits and more. In Yue Yuen, the factory provided only few of the benefits and not the whole package of benefits, it was alleged that the factory might be operating with some form of a silent approval from the Government officials towards providing the benefits slowly like in the case of transitions. Government provides such approvals for organization in order to help them continue to operate even under noncompliance as this will keep the foreign direct investment stable.