




Sustainability with respect to cities can be defined in many perspectives by itself. Recreating or making cities more adaptable towards sustainable objectives as of land use, form and structure is being globally supported in contemporary times (Kenworthy, 2006). Newer tools, methods and more progressive strategies were explored and most of them converge on three important angles of physical, social and economical entities as connected with the environment. Sustainable development can therefore be defined as something that improves the qualities and avoids the inefficiencies that may make it unsustainable.
In context the urban cell theory with the dimensions was represented as the key planning criteria (Frey, 1999). For the physical dimension there would be more open land included, more accessible walking distances to amenities, good threshold population, local facilities and more (Tavernor, 2007). For the environmental criteria some of the factors that will be considered are the usage of energy, conservation of energy and water, biodiversity protection and more. Social dimension that will have to be fulfilled will include social inclusion of the marginalized groups in society, safety and security, community collaborations. Design criteria would include legibility and centralization to make the people feel they belong. The adaptability criteria include the expandable housing opportunities such as to accommodate any future changes and the economic criteria makes planning and housing more sustainable. Current economic policies for the land and future policies should all be brought into the context of planning.