


随着时间的推移,酒店改变了他们的运作方式,他们继续与其他机构合作的方式,也发生了变化。在这个讨论中必须坚持的重点是共同创造和体验营销的概念。这些概念最近正在成为世界各地酒店的一部分。讨论还需要涵盖酒店未来将如何接受和利用共同创造和体验营销(Sezgin, n.d.)。顾名思义,Co的创造就是Co创造了一个有价值的结果。这将有利于几个方面,他们走到一起,以生产一些将有更大的价值与客户。可以之间的一个公司,公司创建一个组织,一群忠实的顾客和其他组织为客户生产出独特的,也是重要的“市场驱动”的忠诚,基本上是为双方创造双赢的局面,并通常被称为未来的竞争市场。被定义为“公司与客户共同创造价值;(Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006)。

与此同时,体验营销的概念,也被称为参与营销,“地面营销”和“现场营销”是一个概念,消费者参与到一个特定品牌的演变或推广,是一个营销策略,酒店最近参与。这里需要了解的是,世界各地的酒店都在积极参与各种活动。他们致力于与其他品牌的合作,这样他们的客户就能得到更好的服务。同时,他们也在从事体验营销,这样他们的品牌名称和他们所营销的品牌的推广就能同时得到推广(Tsiotsou and Goldsmith, 2012)。酒店正积极地与其他机构和品牌合作,利用所给的概念进行品牌营销。万豪酒店是世界上最著名的连锁酒店之一,在近60个国家拥有500多家酒店,加上“灰色纽约”正在加强其全球地位的co的创造(Jham, 2013)。他们通常采用这些概念是为了在全球取得好成绩,也为了达到客户满意度的最高水平,并为他们提供独特的体验。


Hotels over the period of time have changed the way they function, and the way they have continued their collaboration with other institutes, has also changed. The main point of focus that has to be adhered to in this discussion is the concept of co-creation and experiential marketing. These concepts are something which is recently is becoming a part of the Hotels all over the world. The discussion also needs to cover how the hotels will embrace and utilize co-creation and experiential marketing in future (Sezgin, n.d.).Co creation as the name suggests is co creating a valuable outcome. It will be beneficial for several parties who come together in order to produce something which would have greater value with the customers. Co creation can be between a company, an organization, a group of loyal customers and any other such group to produce something unique for the customers, and also significant ‘market drivers’ for the loyalty, basically it is creating a win-win situation for both the parties, and is often referred to as the ‘future of competition’ in the market. It has been defined as “The joint creation of value by the company and the customer; allowing the customer to co-construct the service experience to suit their context” (Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006).

At the same time the concept of experiential marketing, which is also known as engagement marketing, ‘on-ground marketing’ and ‘live marketing’ is a concept where the consumers engage with the evolution or promotion of a particular brand, and is a marketing strategy in which hotels recently are taking part.It needs to be understood here is that hotels all around the world are taking active participation in various events. They are engaging themselves in co creation with other brands so that their customers can be served better. At the same time they are also engaging themselves in experiential marketing so that their brand name and the promotion of the brand they are marketing for gets promoted at the same time (Tsiotsou and Goldsmith, 2012).Hotels are actively marketing their brand in collaboration with others institutes and brands using the given concepts. Marriott Hotels are one of the most famous chain around the world with more than ‘500 properties in nearly 60 countries’ along with ‘Grey New York’ are enhancing their global position based co creation (Jham, 2013). They usually take up these concepts for making a good mark globally and also to reach the maximum level of customer satisfaction and provide them with unique experience.